November 2021 minutes
Sturton by Stow Parish Council met on Wednesday 3 November 2021 in the Village Hall at 7.30pm
Meeting chaired by the Chair Cllr Gilbert. Present: Parish Clerk, Cllr Christie, Cllr Taylor, Cllr Pickering, Cllr Hoyland, Cllr Cook and 5 members of the public.
- Recording of Meeting
It was noted no one was recording meeting.
- Apologies - Received and accepted from Cllr Hawke. County Councillor Butroid also offered his apologies.
- To receive declarations of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 – Cllr Pickering declared a personal interest in Item 11 (Youth Club grant) and 12.
- Meeting opened to the Public at 7.31pm.
Concerns were raised from residents with regards to the condition of the new footpath and the road down Fleets Rd, the irresponsible parking by contractors and the lack of notice of road closures.Parish Council advised that WLDC Planning Enforcement have confirmed that the footpath has not been constructed to the correct width and the developers have been contacted, so it is hoped that once this has been corrected the road condition will be improved.Re the parking, this is really a police matter, council will contact police again ,but residents were urged to report themselves.Highways to be contacted re the lack of notice of road closures.
Parking next to village hall and Co-op also bought up.
Meeting closed to public at 7.48pm.
3 members of public left the meeting.
- To approve minutes of October Meeting
Proposed by Cllr Taylor to accept.Seconded by Cllr Christie.Agreed by all those present at meeting.
- Matters arising from minutes
Fleet Rd footpath-dealt with in public session
Manhole repair Saxilby Rd-full address given to Highways
Cats eyes missing Saxilby Rd-reported
Dog Fouling sign-clerk to look into further, agreed sign to be taken down
Trees opp Fleets Rd junction-being investigated
Footpath Stow Park to Sturton overgrown- cut
Railings Saxilby Rd-in schedule to be repaired
Davey Close numbering-passed to Anna Grieve at WLDC, clerk to chase
Manhole near Co-op-scheduled to be repaired, to be chased
OSR cleaning risk assessment-In hand with Cllr Pickering.
Damage to gateways-Local streetworks company to be contacted
Rem Day: Minister and Bugler confirmed, all arrangements in hand
Lamp out Spencer Court-clerk to chase
Lamp out Marton Rd-repaired
Ashfield culvert-clerk to chase
Cleaning Bus shelter Saxilby Rd-completed
New litter bin request Saxilby Rd-clerk to chase
Allotments-letters to be sent to landowners with suitable land
- Correspondence received-General correspondence circulated along with police report, annual report.
- Cottam Solar Project
It was noted that details of initial consultation to be sent to all residents.Additional leaflets to be placed around village and details to be placed on social media and website urging residents to comment.
- Accounts:Cheques to be issued
a)Payments already agreed: i)Salaries:Clerk and expenses/litter picker
ii)Continental Landscapes £416.72 plus vat
iii)Gelder & Son-£880 plus vat New Kerbs The Glebe
b)Payments to be agreed: i)Handyman materials £31
Proposed Cllr Christie to pay. Seconded Cllr Taylor. All agreed.
ii)Jewsons £8.01 plus vat
Proposed by Cllr Christie to pay. Seconded by Cllr Taylor. All agreed.
iii)Village Hall Hire £106
Proposed by Cllr Christie to pay. Seconded by Cllr Pickering. All agreed.
iv)RBL wreath £18.50 and donation
Proposed by Cllr Christie to pay £40. Seconded by Cllr Hoyland. All agreed.
c)Information only: British Gas-electric OSR £13.47 plus vat (DD)
British Gas-electric V Green £9.86 plus vat (DD)
Multidata £40.12 (DD)
d)Monies received CIL money £1450.92
Bank Balances following all August payments: C/A £15,859.89 D/A £3857.33 Nat Savings £26850.00
- Accounts November summary
Proposed by Cllr Taylor to agree. Seconded by Cllr Gilbert. All agreed.
- To agree grant applications received Youth Club £3000 Rec Field £4000
Youth Club £3000-Proposed by Cllr Hoyland to pay.Seconded by Cllr Cook.All agreed, Cllr Pickering did not take part or vote.
Rec Field £4000-Proposed by Cllr Hoyland to pay.Seconded by Cllr Pickering.All agreed.
- To discuss whether to accept/agree two late grant applications
Proposed by Cllr Hoyland to accept 2 late grant applications.Seconded by Cllr Taylor.All agreed apart from Cllr Pickering who did not vote.
Fossa application for £750.Proposed by Cllr Taylor to accept.Seconded by Cllr Christie.Cllr Pickering did not take part in discussion or vote.All agreed, apart from Cllr Pickering.
Preschool application for £310.Proposed by Cllr Taylor to accept.Seconded by Cllr Hoyland.All agreed.
- Dispensation signed by relevant councillors
Signed by Cllr Cook and Cllr Hoyland.
- Draft Budget 22/23 and precept estimate agreement
Proposed by Cllr Cook to increase precept by 2% as in previous year to £29,267.Seconded by Cllr Taylor.All agreed.
Clerk to draft budget again to take into account new grants agreed.
- Reports from Local Organisations
It was reported the Rec Field bonfire is all set for Sat 6 Nov.Neighbourhood Plan consultation has ended and team are awaiting comments returned.
- General maintenance issues
Cllr Pickering progressing with schedule and quotes for playpark works.
Clerk to contact WLDC re some new litter picker devices and enquiries to be made again re new larger post box on village green.
- Motion received from 5 councillors to revisit decision re Rospa playpark checklists for Village Hall
Proposed by Cllr Hoyland to order new checklist for village hall playpark.Seconded by Cllr Taylor.All agreed.
- Village Broadband/councillor emails update
Cllr Gilbert to set up all councillor emails.Cllr Hoyland advised that pursuing the village faster broadband is not viable and suggested if wifi is required in the Old Schoolroom to contact service providers.
- Queens Platinum Jubilee in 2022-update
Clerk advised that all organisations contacted were happy to be involved and initial zoom meeting to be hopefully arranged by clerk for end of November.
- Xmas Lights competition
Agreed to hold competition, judging 14 December.Judge from Willingham PC.
- Xmas Arrangements-update
Clerk advised the local school happy to attend and sing. Switch on to be Sat 4 Dec 4pm. Trees to be ordered as usual. Mrs Adams who has organised the xmas craft fayres this year and last to be contacted re switching on lights.
- To discuss venue for meetings in 2022
It was agreed to continue at the Village Hall for at least the next 6 months.
- Planning applications
143788 Tizzy’s Barn 9A High St-extension. Comments returned re materials on outside not in keeping with area. Comment also re previous application which was for holiday lets had condition that there was to be limited occupancy. If this is now a dwelling then does a new planning application need submitting.
- Other planning matters-
Planning Permission 143658.1 Manor Farm Drive, variation of materials, front and rear two storey extension.
- Items to be noted or dealt with at next meeting
Local Draft statement from landowner stating Sturton by Stow and Stow to be classed as single large village as joint Neighbourhood Plan submitted-agreed to response along with Stow disagreeing with this.
- To agree to go into closed session to discuss salaries and hire charges. If agreed press and public will be asked to leave
Proposed by Cllr Taylor and seconded by Cllr Pickering. All agreed.
- Closed session
Proposed by Cllr Taylor and seconded by Cllr Gilbert that all charges and salaries to remain the same as last year. All agreed.
Meeting closed at 10pm.