January 21 minutes

Sturton by Stow Parish Council met remotely via Zoom on Wednesday 6 January 2021 at 7.30pm hosted by Chair Cllr Dennis Taylor.  Present:  Parish Clerk,  Cllr Pickering, Cllr  Christie, Cllr Moore, Cllr Butroid, Cllr Hawke and 1 member of the public.

  1. Apologies for absence and reasons given.  Received and accepted from Cllr Gilbert.  District Councillor Coulson also had given her apologies.


  1. To receive declarations of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Pickering declared an interest in Item 7 re Fossa and declared he would not vote.


  1. Co-option of new councillor-meeting will be opened to allow candidates to speak

It was noted that there was just one candidate, Matt Hoyland.  It was agreed to formally co-opt him onto the council.  Declaration of Acceptance signed and Matt was welcomed to the council.


Cllr Banham entered the meeting at 7.35pm advising there were issues with the power in her area so we may keep loosing signal.


  1. To approve minutes of previous meeting

Proposed by Cllr Hawke to accept.  Seconded by Cllr Moore.  All agreed.

5.  Matters arising from minutes

Fleets Rd, planning issue- waiting to hear from Highways Officer-clerk to chase

Map of responsibility Twitchell being drawn up-in progress

Ruts The Glebe grass-clerk to chase Highways for list of streetwork accredited contractors

Bransby Road sign damaged-awaiting new sign, clerk to chase

Meeting re flooding-clerk to get update from Mr Moore from Anglian Water

Streetlights junction High St/Marton Rd-in system, to be repaired

Streetlight The Close/High St-.in system, to be repaired

Flooding drive Tillbridge Rd-being investigated

Jubilee wood hedge/gate-Gate work in progress. 

Clean benches/playpark equipment-cleaned

Replacement electric cabinet-work in progress

Bus sign Saxilby Rd broken-work scheduled

FP72 bridge in need of repair-being investigated

Hedging School Lane-cut   Cowdale Lane Hedging-schedule for this week

Streetlight No4 School Lane-repaired

Dyke Clearance behind The Glebe-it was noted this had been deferred until April

Xmas Vouchers-it was noted that clerk had been informed the pc do not have any powers to  give gifts to individuals.  It was noted that this would be discussed later on in the year.


6.  Meeting opened to the public and closed


7.  £10k monies-Village hall £1000  Rec Field £3500  Youth Club £1500  Sturton and District Shed Club £500  Hort. Society £500  Fossa £3000

Cllr Moore declared an interest as chair of the Horticultural Society and declared he would not vote.

Proposed by  Cllr Mrs Christie to pay.  Seconded by Cllr Hawke .  All agreed by those able to vote.


8.  Fillingham trees £329 plus vat –to also discuss whether to charge businesses for extra trees

Proposed by Cllr Butroid  to pay invoice.   Seconded by Cllr Mrs Banham  All agreed.  It was further agreed, due to the unprecedented events of the pandemic, not to charge the businesses for the extra trees this year.


9.  Y Clark-£120 vouchers, chairman allowance

Proposed by Cllr Butroid  to pay.  Seconded by Cllr Pickering.   All agreed.


10.            IPI invoice £330 plus vat-playpark inspections

After much discussion it was proposed by Cllr Butroid to pay the invoice.  Seconded by Cllr Mrs Christie.  Clerk to contact Rec Field Committee to ask for a report on works undertaken on the ramp and what future works are to be carried out.


11.  Continental Landscapes-Hedging FP72 and Playpark  £438.90 plus vat

Proposed by Cllr Butroid to pay.  Seconded by Cllr Pickering.   All agreed.


Cllr Mrs Banham dropped off the meeting.


12.  Jewsons-handyman materials £40.07 plus vat

Proposed by Cllr Butroid to pay.  Seconded by Cllr Mrs Christie.  All agreed.


13.  Sturton and District Shed Club grant 20/21 £3350

Proposed by Cllr Butroid to pay.  Seconded by Cllr Moore.  All agreed.


14.  Direct Debits paid: British Gas Electric OSR £16.24 plus vat,  village green £8.59 plus vat Multidata £38.92-  info only


15.  Accounts summary –including clerk salary and expenses and village litter picker salary-circulated

Income received:  Farm Woodland Payment £159.53

Proposed by Cllr Butroid to pay.  Seconded by Cllr Mrs Christie.  All agreed.


  1. General maintenance issues

i)Bolts on The Glebe playpark equipment replaced by handyman-clerk to check that due to current lockdown, that handyman is happy to continue with works required.

ii)Gullies blocked Saxilby Rd-reported to Highways and works planned

iii)Damage to grass on rec field reported by resident-rec field committee aware, resident has informed police

iv)Tree overhanging streetlight at entrance for FP Ashfield to Fleets Rd-Highways to be contacted.


Cllr Mrs Banham re-entered the meeting during item iv.


v)Potholes on High Street   Intermittent between numbers 9 and 13A


Cllr Mrs Banham then dropped out of the meeting.


17.  Neighbourhood Plan update-Reg 14 consultation

It was noted that the comments/suggestions received from the consultation are being incorporated into the document and the parish council will be required to formally agree the final version before it is submitted.


18.  To agree to enter into Highways Amenity Grasscutting Agreement for 21/22

Proposed by Cllr Mrs Christie to enter into agreement.  Seconded by Cllr Moore.  All agreed.


19.  To agree updated Financial Regulations

Proposed by Cllr Hawke to accept.  Seconded by Cllr Butroid.  All agreed.


20.  To discuss amending Jewsons credit limit currently £1000

Proposed by Cllr Butroid to reduce limit to £500.  Seconded by Cllr Mrs Christie.  All agreed.


21.  CIL monies-report circulated on initial ideas for expenditure

Clerk to research prices of litter bins and benches for next meeting and to check with History Society as to their plans for a village map.


  1. Planning applications

142060-Land rear of 22A Saxilby Rd-minor amendments to design-comments returned re height to ridge no more than 6m to stay as single story, white-noise reduction equipment, no lighting columns to be installed and any lighting positioned downwards.

23.            Planning Permission

141756 Chapel Cottage, Bransby-change of use for grooming dogs

141725 1 Manor Farm Drive-front and rear two storey extension

24.            Other planning  matters

i)Enquiries made with planning re property on School lane and single storey dwelling being built –is it being done under permitted development

ii)Large blocked pavement area constructed on house on High Street-planning dept to be informed as it was noted that this possibly needed planning permission.


25.            Items to be noted or dealt with at next meeting

i)Mr Jackson has been contacted for zoom meeting to discuss how the village can access BT fibre.

ii)Clerk advised the registration of the rec field land is not as simple as anticipated and further evidence of ownership is being obtained and sent to the solicitor.

iii) Due to the current lockdown it was questioned whether the playparks could remain open.  It was noted that the clerk had checked Gov.Uk and they can.  The original sign is still onsite advising additional precautions to be undertaken i.e. hand washing/sanitising.


26.            To agree to go into closed session to discuss salaries and hire charges.  If agreed, members of

The press and public will be asked to leave.

Agreed to go into closed session.

 26.Salaries and Hire Charges-circulated 

Discussed and agreed.


It was noted that Cllr Banham did not re-enter meeting but this did not affect any decision made.


Meeting closed at 9.50pm