December 2024 Agenda
You are summoned to attend the Council meeting of the above council on Wednesday 4th December 2024 which starts at 7.30pm in the OLD SCHOOL ROOM.
AGENDA Signed S.Hoyland 27th November 2024
1. Recording of meeting
2. Apologies
3. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4. Meeting opened to the public.
5. To approve minutes of previous meeting in November 2024
6. Matters arising from minutes.
7. Correspondence received
8. Planning Applications
9. Planning Granted
Application WL/2024/00743- 8 Upper Close- Proposal: Planning Application for Conversion of garage and alterations to dwelling.
10. Other planning matters
WL/2024/00100- Land at 31 Tillbridge Road
WL/2024/00395 -Land at Barker Farm
11. To agree cost of £481.20 including VAT for Christmas trees.
This council is relying on powers provided under section 137 of the local government act 1972
12. Accounts: Online Payments to be authorised
a) Payments agreed
i) Salaries-Clerk and expenses/ litter picker/OSR Cleaner/Handyman/PAYE
ii) The Play Safety Inspection Company- £354 including VAT
b) Payments to be agreed None
c) Direct Debits paid
Multidata £58.75 (November)
British Gas Lite- Village Green (X)
British Gas Lite- OSR £27.06 including VAT
ID Mobile £25.80 including VAT
Charge Card- (£78.48) including £3 Charge fee, £5.49 ink subscription, Microsoft 365 subscription £59.99 and £10.00 RBL Donation
d) Monies received
November Multidata reimbursement £58.75
Indemnity Claim British Gas Lite Village Green £244.43
Indemnity Claim British Gas Lite Village Green £412.88
e) Bank Fees
Multi Charge Card monthly charge £3 included within charge card total
Monthly bank fee £6
13. To agree December 2024 accounts summary –circulated
14. To agree bank reconciliation
15. To discuss grass tenders and agree a contractor 25/26
16. To discuss hedge tenders and agree a contractor 25/26
17. To discuss playpark inspection reports and summarise works if required
18. To agree to an automatic renewal process with the play inspection company for annual playpark inspections
19. To discuss projects for next year 25/26
20. To discuss and agree final budget figure 25/26
21. To discuss and agree final precept figure 25/26
22. To discuss, agree and accept S106 document is drawn up to set out clear guidelines regarding the expenditure
of S106 money.
23. To revisit resolution of displaying minutes on noticed board on the village green.
24. To agree virements of remaining funds from D Day, Grants paid and new trophies to the Parish Council
reserve to enable for these former reserves to be closed
25. To agree to update Chairman as Programme Administrator alongside the clerk on the charge card. Paperwork to be completed at the end of the meeting with relevant signatories to witness.
26. To discuss and agree xmas vouchers for volunteers
27. To agree to enter a Grass cutting agreement with Highways or 25/26
28. To agree whether to postpone January meeting to the 8th January 25
29. To agree to pre-authorised salaries to be paid prior to the postponed January meeting (if required)
30. To review OSR fire risk assessment
31. To agree and adopt Co-option policy
32. Reports from local organisation.
33. General maintenance in the Parish
34. Update on Solar Farms
35. Items to be noted for the next meeting