October 2024 Agenda
You are summoned to attend the Council meeting of the above council on Wednesday 2nd October 2024 which starts at 7.30pm in the OLD SCHOOL ROOM.
AGENDA Signed S.Hoyland 25th September 2024
2. Apologies
3. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4. Meeting opened to the public.
5. Grants received and noted
6. To approve minutes of previous meeting in September 2024
7. Matters arising from minutes.
8. Correspondence received
9. Planning Applications
Application WL/2024/00684- Bransby Home of Rest for Horses- Planning application for the siting of converted container to be used for multiple purposes.
Application WL/2024/00743- 8 Upper Close- Proposal: Planning Application for Conversion of garage and alterations to dwelling
10. Planning Granted
11. Other planning matters
12. To agree a cost of up to £70 for Remembrance Day supplies including x4 plastic poppies, wreath, RBL donation and x6 tablecloths and refreshments for after the ceremony.
13. Accounts: Online Payments to be authorised
a) Payments agreed i) Salaries-Clerk and expenses/ litter picker/OSR Cleaner/Handyman/PAYE
ii) INV 206- Grass cutting (Mid) £306.85 including VAT
iii) INV 215- Grass cutting (Full) £602.05 including VAT
iv) JRB Enterprise- (CIL Money)- x2 dog bin lids and x10 labels £189.06 including VAT
v) The Pelican Trust- Newsletters £116 and NP printing £43.20 including VAT
vi) The Village Hall- x4 Heating Tokens £8
b) Payments to be agreed i) Cllr M Cook expenses £7.95 Power plug socket adapter
c) Direct Debits paid Multidata £52.93 (September)
British Gas Village Green New Contract
British Gas Lite- New Contract
ID Mobile £25.80 including VAT
Charge Card- (£38.46) including £3 Charge fee, £5.49 ink subscription, £7.74 (Remembrance Day supplies- tablecloths), £8.25 + 13.98 cleaning supplies
d) Monies received September Multidata reimbursement £52.93
e) Bank Fees Multi Charge Card monthly charge £3 included within charge card total
£18 Quarterly Service Charge
14. To agree October 2024 accounts summary –circulated
15. To agree bank reconciliation
16. To agree cost of £100 plus VAT from Mr Deague for dyke maintenance at rear of The Glebe & Old Rectory Gardens
17. To discuss and agree opening an additional savings account with the current bank and moving former £27,032.37 NS & I Savings to a savings account with 2.60% interest with current bank account.
18. To review, discuss and adopt grass tender specification calendar year or financial year layout ready for tendering 25/26
19. To review, discuss and adopt hedge tender specification ready for tendering 25/26
20. To agree to advertise grass and hedging tenders for year 25/26
21. To agree to allocate the July extra full grass cut to the end of October
22. To agree to send thanks to the neighbourhood plan representatives for their help and dedication in revising the Neighbourhood Plan up to the cost of £25
23. To discuss tree maintenance in the village hall playpark (Trees overhanging play equipment and birds are defecating onto the equipment below)
24. To discuss projects for 24/25
25. Reports from local organisation.
26. General maintenance in the Parish
27.Update on Scampton
28.Update on Solar Farms. To discuss statement for feedback if required.
29. Items to be noted for the next meeting