August Agenda



You are summoned to attend the Council meeting of the above council on Wednesday 2nd August 2023 which starts at 7.30pm in the OLD SCHOOL ROOM.


AGENDA                                           Signed     S.Hoyland  19th July 2023


  1. Recording of meeting
  2. Apologies
  3. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
  4. Meeting opened to the public.
  5. To approve minutes of previous meeting in July 2023
  6. Matters arising from minutes.
  7. Correspondence received.
  8. Planning Applications

146982- 19 Fleets Road- Planning application to erect boundary wall and sliding gates.

  1. Planning Refused

146684- Kelloway House- Application for a lawful development certificate for existing outbuildings B, C & D for commercial workshops and storage space for mechanical fixings.

  1. Other Planning Matters
  2. Accounts: cheques to be issued

 a) Payments agreed                 i) Salaries-Clerk/Former Clerk and expenses/ litter picker/OSR Cleaner/Handyman





 b) Payments to be agreed        i) Continental Landscapes – Grass cutting £601.50 including VAT

                                                    ii) Mark Rose Building Service- Repointing £2,620.80 Including VAT

                                                    iii) Jewsons- Handyman materials- £36.60 including VAT

                                                    iv) MiJan Ltd- Accounts package- £67.50 no VAT

                                                    v) West Lindsey- Uncontested Elections £133.61 no VAT

                                                    vi) Wicksteed Maintenance- £1,265.64 including VAT




c)Direct Debits paid                   Multidata £46.05 (July)

                                                     British Gas OSR £14.76 including VAT

                                                     British Gas Village green £9.31 including VAT.

                                                     ID Mobile £23.92

                                                     Wave (Water) - £61.36



d)Monies received                     OSR Hire- £12.50



e) Bank Fees                            ------------------





  1. Accounts August 2023 summary –circulated.
  2. To review and discuss Risk Assessment Pg 6
  3. To agree co-option of New Councillor
  4. To agree a transfer of £4,203.89 from old current account to new current account to help facilitate closing of old bank account. (This leaves £1000)
  5. To discuss trip hazard in Village Hall to Playpark carpark reported in the recent ROSPA report.
  6. Update on Scampton
  7. To discuss moving the monies from NS+I to a Unity Bank Savings Account 4.5% 120-day notice withdrawal
  8. Discuss projects for next year.
  9. Discuss and review Sickness Policy
  10. Discuss and review Health and Safety Policy
  11. Discuss and review Lone working Policy.
  12. To agree whether to hold a xmas lights competition.
  13. To agree arrangements for a Christmas Light Switch on
  14. To discuss using teams to transcribe the meeting for minutes.
  15. Reports from local organisation.
  16. General maintenance in the Parish

28. Items to be noted for the next meeting