July Agenda

You are summoned to attend the Council meeting of the above council on Wednesday 5th July starting AT 7.00PM in the OLD SCHOOL ROOM.


AGENDA                                           Signed     S.Hoyland  28th June 2023


  1. Recording of meeting
  2. Apologies
  3. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
  4. Representation from Tillbridge Solar to Parish Council (30 mins maximum)
  5. Meeting opened to the public.
  6. To approve minutes of previous meeting in June 2023
  7. Matters arising from minutes.
  8. Correspondence received.
  9. Accounts: cheques to be issued

 a) Payments agreed                 i) Salaries-Consultant Clerk/ Clerk and expenses/litter picker/OSR Cleaner/ Handyman

                                                   ii) Flagpole Express Ltd- £24.48 +VAT

                                                   iii) Continental Landscapes – £928.44 + VAT


 b) Payments to be agreed         i) Data Protection £40

                                                     ii) 3rd Party FCC Funding £787.82

                                                     iii) Jewsons- Handyman Materials for the OSR- £115.98 + VAT

                                                     iv) Bridge McFarland- Rec Field- Land Registry- £699.20



c)Direct Debits paid                   Multidata £46.05 (June)

                                                     British Gas OSR £14.54 + VAT

                                                     British Gas Village green £2.48 + VAT

                                                     ID Mobile £23.92


d) Bank Fees                               Unity Bank £6.20



d) Monies Received                    Wayleave £4.60




  1. Accounts July 2023 summary –circulated.
  2. To discuss possible felling of Sycamore trees located in Jubilee Wood
  3. To discuss new Solar Proposal Luminous Energy
  4. To discuss new editor for the village newsletter
  5. To discuss and agree to join the LCC Litter picking scheme
  6. To discuss changes and agree to continue with FCC Funding
  7. To discuss options for maturing bond for July 2023
  8. To agree a payment of £75 +VAT to update Land Registry Titles for the Parish Council.








  1. To discuss quarterly budget
  2. To discuss the £150 already agreed virement and agree where to take the virement from
  3. To discuss and agree a virement to cover former Clerks costs
  4. To discuss and agree to book New Clerk Training 13th and 20th September 10-4 This session builds on the basics for anyone who has become a clerk within the last two years. Topics covered will include: Powers, Duties, Finance and Meeting procedures
  5. To discuss and agree options for a Warm Space for the winter months
  6. To discuss and agree the purchase of Xmas Trees
  7. To agree to advertise for grants 23/24
  8. To discuss, plan and agree Remembrance Day Ceremony and arrangement for Wreath.
  9. To review and discuss Remembrance day Risk Assessment
  10. To review and discuss General Maintenance Risk Assessment
  11. To review and discuss Litter Picker Risk Assessment
  12. To review and discuss Risk Assessment Pg 5
  13. Update on the Riparian Project
  14. Reports from local organisation.
  15. General maintenance in the Parish
  16.  Items to be noted for the next meeting