January 2025 Agenda
You are summoned to attend the Council meeting of the above council on Wednesday 8th January 2025 which starts at 7.30pm in the OLD SCHOOL ROOM.
AGENDA Signed S.Hoyland 30th December 2024
1. Recording of meeting
2. Apologies
3. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4. To agree co-option of a new councillor
5. Meeting opened to the public.
6. To approve minutes of previous meeting in December 2024
7. Matters arising from minutes.
8. Correspondence received
9. Planning Applications
Planning Application WL/2024/01024 - 31 Red Roofs - Planning Application for Erection of Greenhouse, Garden Room and Shed.
10. Planning Granted
11. Other planning matters
WL/2024/00100- Land at 31 Tillbridge Road
To discuss response to BNG Update
WL/2024/00395 -Land at Barker Farm
12. To discuss and agree invoice for additional costs of £350 plus VAT for village hall tree works.
13. Accounts: Online Payments to be authorised
a) Payments agreed i) Salaries-Clerk and expenses/ litter picker/OSR Cleaner/Handyman/PAYE
ii) Fillingham Christmas Trees- £481.20 including VAT.
iii) Arbour Woodland and Tree care- £1440 including VAT
b) Payments to be agreed i) Arbour Woodland and Tree Care- £350 plus VAT
c) Direct Debits paid Multidata £58.75 (December)
British Gas Lite- Village Green (X)
British Gas Lite- OSR £21.47 including VAT
ID Mobile £25.80 including VAT
Charge Card- (£60.75) including £3 Charge fee, £7.49 ink subscription, £13.20 Post Office Stamps, £17.06 Cleaning Supplies and £20.00 RBL Wreath.
d) Monies received November Multidata reimbursement £58.75
English Woodland Grant Scheme £162.95
e) Bank Fees Multi Charge Card monthly charge £3 included within charge card total
Monthly bank fee £6
14. To agree January 2025 accounts summary –circulated
15. To agree bank reconciliation
16. To agree to current LALC terms of reference to perform and complete the internal audit and future internal audits to support documentation for the AGAR.
17. Results from the Christmas light display competition.
18. To agree that Sturton by Stow village hall remains as the nominated rest centre facility in line with the Community Emergency Plan.
19. To confirm with the Village Hall Committee that the PC and LRF have their continued permission to use the village Hall as a rest centre facility in case of an emergency inline with the Community Emergency Plan.
20. To agree to contact LSH Residential Rectory Park about fallen trees on the Glebe
21. To review and discuss the Quarterly budget
22. To discuss and agree to register for a sim only or monthly contract up to £25 a month for the clerks phone.
23. To agree to purchase an additional fluorescent door sign and additional signing for an evacuation point for the pub carpark, costs up to £50
24. To discuss playpark inspection reports and summarise works if required
25. Reports from local organisation.
26. General maintenance in the Parish
27. Update on Solar Farms
28. Items to be noted for the next meeting