February 2025 Agenda
You are summoned to attend the Council meeting of the above council on Wednesday 5th February 2025 which starts at 7.30pm in the OLD SCHOOL ROOM.
AGENDA Signed S.Hoyland 29th January 2025
1. Recording of meeting
2. Apologies
3. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
4. Meeting opened to the public.
5. To approve minutes of previous meeting in January 2025
6. To approve minutes of Extraordinary meeting in January 2025
7. Matters arising from minutes.
8. Correspondence received
9. Planning Applications
10. Planning Granted
11. Other planning matters
WL/2024/00100- Land at 31 Tillbridge Road
WL/2024/01024 - 31 Red Roofs - Planning Application for Erection of Greenhouse, Garden Room and Shed. (Pending)
12. Accounts: Online Payments to be authorised
a) Payments agreed i) Salaries-Clerk and expenses/ litter picker/OSR Cleaner/Handyman/PAYE
ii) Ian Moore- Hedge Cutting Contract 24/25 £1,100 including VAT
iii) Pelican Trust-Newsletter £116 no VAT
b) Payments to be agreed
c) Direct Debits paid Multidata £58.75 (December)
British Gas Lite- Village Green (X)
British Gas Lite- OSR £27.90 including VAT
ID Mobile £25.80 including VAT
Wave- Anglian Water £49.63 no VAT
Charge Card- (£38.55) including £3 Charge fee, £5.49 ink subscription, £2.75 Office Supplies, £24.32 Fire Safety signs and £2.99 Bin bags
d) Monies received November Multidata reimbursement £58.75
OSR Hire £10 Stow Church
QRT 2 Post Office OSR Hire £120
QRT 3 Post Office OSR Hire £130
Village Hall Ground rent 2024 £1
CIF Funding £50 (for fire safety signs and flooding supplies)
LCC ERROR- £28,650.00
e) Bank Fees Multi Charge Card monthly charge £3 included within charge card total
Monthly bank fee £6
13. To agree February 2025 accounts summary –circulated
14. To agree bank reconciliation
15. To agree a transfer of £10,000 from the savings account to the current account
16. To discuss relocation of sand bin from the High Street to Stow Road
17. To discuss and agree the purchase of an additional sand bin/s using CIL money – Glasdon Nestor 400 - £248.45plus VAT (£298.14 including VAT, £15 +VAT delivery and £18.99 for ground fixings)
18. To agree to purchase sandbags up to a cost of £100 for (250 approx.) and discuss adding shovels to the sand bins.
19. To discuss suggested works highlighted from the playpark reports.
20. To purchase a new combination padlock for the village hall playpark gates- cost up to £25
21. To agree and discuss organising a Co-op community, clean up event
22. To discuss and agree to propose a painting project to the national probation service
23. To discuss internal audit report
24. To agree to allocate the July 24 extra full grass cut to March 25
25. Reports from local organisation.
26. General maintenance in the Parish
27. Update on Solar Farms
28. Items to be noted for the next meeting
29. To agree to go into closed session. To discuss staff appraisal. If agreed press and public will be asked to leave.
30. Clerk to report staff appraisals