August 2023 Minutes
Sturton by Stow Parish Council met on Wednesday 2nd August 2023 in the Old Schoolroom. Meeting started at 7.30pm.
Meeting chaired by Cllr Gilbert. Present: Parish Clerk, Cllr Christie,
Cllr Hoyland, Cllr Taylor and Cllr Cook and 5 members of the public.
Cllr Gilbert welcomed everybody to the August Meeting.
1. Recording of Meeting
It was noted that no one was recording meeting.
2. Apologies
Cllr Hawke
3. To receive declarations of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Upon request the Chairman moved item 14 to discuss.
14. To agree co-option of New Councillor
Mr Christie introduced himself and highlighted that he has vast knowledge of the village since 1977. He is keen to be part of a proactive Council and to represent the people of the Parish. It was agreed and RESOLVED to co-opt a new Councillor.
Cllr. C. Christie abstained from voting.
4. Meeting opened to the public at 7.31pm
Two members of public wished to speak
A resident sent his thanks to the Parish Council and Cllr Butroid for help getting the manhole on Saxilby Road repaired.
A resident also highlighted there was a sewage smell on Tillbridge Road opposite the new estate. The chair ensured the resident that the smell has been reported previously to environmental health.
A resident also bought to the council’s attention the condition of the road and pavements within the Queensway area. Elderly residents are struggling to access the pavements either by walking or mobility scooters due to the bad condition. It was also noted that no residents from Queensway attended the warm space in the winter months due to not being able to access the pavements safely.
Cllr Butroid informed the resident that the roads and pavements were postponed due to the building on the new houses within Queensway and it is on the list of work to be completed.
Cllr Butroid updated the council that he had received e-mails regarding the drains on Fleets Road. The drains were due to be jetted out last week however this was postponed. Works are to be rescheduled and Cllr Butroid will keep council informed.
Cllr Butroid is due to attend a meeting with Highways regarding the position for the proposed new crossing, which Parish Council are more than welcome to attend, details will be forwarded. An alternative position could be further along Marton Road past the junction or near the Old Schoolroom and The Plough.
If we are unsuccessful with the position of the new crossing, we could potentially look into average speed cameras to reduce the speed of traffic.
Meeting Closed to the Public 7.44pm
5. To approve minutes from July Meeting.
It was noted that item 11 on page 4 ‘meeting closed 8.08pm should read ‘meeting closed to the public 8.08pm’ it was then agreed and RESOLVED that the minutes be approved.
6. Matters arising from minutes.
FCC Funding- We are waiting for the contract from FCC for signature - proposed dates for installing the basket swing is October half term.
Fix My Street- The Close and Upper Close signs have not been replaced. Clerk to check if Lichen growing on the speed limit sign has been cleaned.
The handyman has removed the notice board from Bransby for repair. We are looking for a new place to reinstate the board. Clerk is currently liaising with Bransby Horses Home for a permanent place for the notice board.
Clerk has re-reported the hedge on Ashfield Footpath to Acis. It is on the list of works to do. This work is not carried out until after July due to birds nesting.
Newsletter - Cllr Gilbert and local organisations have been providing content. Cllr Hoyland has been editing the next issue of the newsletter making it interactive by using QR codes to hopefully attract a bigger audience within the village. A draft will be available soon ready for printing in mid-August and delivery for September.
The additional litter picking equipment from LCC has been collected and is available to those who would like to volunteer to litter pick. There are litter pickers, hi vis vests and bags.
Cllr Mullally put Cllr Gilbert and the Clerk in touch with WLDC for the possibility of funding towards keeping the rockers in the village hall playpark and building up the ground around them. Clerk is currently filling out the application form for additional funding and preparing supporting documents.
The interest rates for the maturing bond agreed last month has altered for the better. The 1-year bond now stands at 5.01%. Green Space Funds plus interest will be reinvested.
There has been no update from the solicitors regarding the land registry titles.
The budget is being fine-tuned on the new accounts package.
The new clerk training has been booked for the 13th and 20th September.
An article about the warm space has been added to the newsletter.
Clerk asked Cllr Taylor for measurements of the flagpole hole and holders for this year’s Christmas trees. This will enable the trees to be cut to size.
Clerk asked Cllr Hoyland if he could remove the alder which is currently growing back behind The Old School Room.
The bugler is booked for the Remembrance Day Service and the Clerk has contacted The Royal British Legion about the wreath. Clerk to liaise with Stow.
The Clerk asked Cllr Hoyland to ask Youth Club, at their next meeting, if they could ask for volunteers to clean the Cenotaph.
There is a new round of FCC Funding available which closes on the 6th September- The clerk has forwarded this information to the Recreational Field.
7. Correspondence received.
Resignation of the Litter Picker. Santander Case Number
At 8.08pm one member of public left.
8. Planning Applications
146982- 19 Fleets Road- Planning application to erect boundary wall and sliding gates.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to object to this planning application.
Full comments for the above applications are available to view on West Lindsey planning portal
9. Planning Refused
146684- Kelloway House- Application for a lawful development certificate for existing outbuildings B, C & D for commercial workshops and storage space for mechanical fixings.
10. Other Planning Matters
It was noted that Cllr Gilbert is to be involved and attend the solar farm meeting There is an invitation to anybody that would like to attend.
11. Accounts: cheques to be issued
a) Payments agreed
i) Salaries-Clerk/Former Clerk and expenses/ litter picker/OSR Cleaner/Handyman
b) Payments to be agreed
i) Continental Landscapes – Grass cutting £601.50 including VAT
ii) Mark Rose Building Service- Repointing £2,620.80 Including VAT
iii) Jewsons- Handyman materials- £36.60 including VAT
iv) MiJan Ltd- Accounts package- £67.50 no VAT
v) West Lindsey- Uncontested Elections £133.61 no VAT
vi) Wicksteed Maintenance- £1,265.64 including VAT
c)Direct Debits paid
Multidata £46.05 (July)British Gas OSR £14.76 including VAT
British Gas Village green £9.31 including VAT.
ID Mobile £23.92
Wave (Water) - £61.36
d)Monies receivedOSR Hire- £12.50
e) Bank Fees ------------------
Bank Balances following all payments:
C/A £5,124.90N-U-C/A £7,492.38N-U-D/A £267.72Nat Savings £26,878.17
12. Accounts August 2023 summary –circulated.
It was noted that the upfront £50 for the multi card had been actioned by the new bank account has been added to the accounts and a transfer of £4,203.89 from the old bank account to the new bank account to help facilitate closing of the old bank account will take place if agreed in item 16.It was also noted that the ICO has misinformed the amount of direct debit taken.There is a £5.00 credit since the amount was £35 and not £40 as per their email.The reduced amount has been confirmed as correct.
13. To review and discuss Risk Assessment Pg 6
It was discussed that all the Parish Councillors have a collective responsibility for the building and the land and report issues noticed accordingly. It was agreed and RESOLVED that no changes need to be made to the Risk Assessment page 6.
14. To agree co-option of New Councillor It was agreed to move this item to after item 3.
15. To agree a transfer of £4,203.89 from old current account to new current account to help facilitate closing of old bank account.
It was noted that if the old current bank account is below £5000 then only two signatories need to sign in order to close the account. It was agreed and resolved to transfer £4,203.89 from the old bank account to the new banks to facilitate closing within the next few months.
16. To discuss trip hazard in Village Hall to Playpark carpark reported in the recent ROSPA report.
Cllr Taylor reported that he has raked loose gravel from the Village Hall Carpark and levelled the ground near the very slight potential trip hazard. As the gravel is compressed it should remove the hazard. Cllr Taylor noted to check the signage for an age limit for the play park.
17. Update on Scampton
At 8.37pm the meeting was opened to Cllr Butroid for an update on former RAF Scampton. Cllr Butroid updated the Council that the arrivals at former RAF Scampton had been postponed to October and that safeguarding on the site is an issue in regard to chemicals and asbestos. On the 17th August the Home Office meeting with local Parish Councils. The level of hard standing for potential temporary housing is what makes Scampton appealing for this project.
Meeting closed 8.43pm
18. To discuss moving the monies from NS+I to a Unity Bank Savings Account 4.5% 120-day notice withdrawal
It was agreed in principle to move the monies from NS+I to a savings account with the new bank account for a better interest rate. Clerk to check interest rates to see if they have altered.
19. Discuss potential projects for next year.
Repainting and new blinds within the Old Schoolroom
New Coronation Shield for the Best Kept Garden. Clerk to ask Men in Sheds if they could make this.
New plaque near the Jubilee Oak- Suggested two prong plaque
Metal seat on the corner of Queensway – CIL Money could be used.
Sign/Emblem on the Village Green or near the Sturton by Stow sign.
Two members of public left at 9.06pm
20. Discuss and review Sickness Policy
The Sickness policy was reviewed, and it was agreed and RESOLVED that no amendments needed to be made.
21. Discuss and review Health and Safety Policy
The Health and Safety policy was reviewed, and it was agreed and RESOLVED that no amendments needed to be made.
22. Discuss and review Lone working Policy.
The Lone Working Policy was reviewed. It was noted to add that the Lone Worker needs to text the Clerk’s phone at the beginning and end of their shift. After this amendment was made it was agreed and RESOLVED that the Lone Working Policy had been reviewed.
23. To agree whether to hold a xmas lights competition.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to hold the Xmas lights competition around the 14th- 17th December. It was noted that last year’s date may have been a little early. Cllr Hoyland volunteered to drive judge around the village and Clerk to ask Willingham by Stow Chair to judge. Sturton by Stow PC to reciprocate for Willingham.
24. To agree arrangements for a Christmas Light Switch on
It was agreed and RESOLVED to hold the Christmas Light switch on. Clerk to liaise with school about the choir. New coloured lights to be purchased. A resident requested coloured lights last year. Newly appointed Vicar to be asked to do the switch on. Event to take place Saturday 2nd December 2023 at 4pm on the village green.
25. To discuss using teams to transcribe the meeting for minutes.
It was agreed in principle to a 3-month trial of using teams to transcribe the meeting minutes.
26. Reports from local organisation.
Cllr Taylor- The village hall has a new committee member. The cost of heating is on the rise. There is a possibility of increase costs on heating tokens and hire charges. The upright supports for the handrail on the stairs have been installed and the handrail is soon to be installed.
Recreational Field- Fencing around the car park is starting to rot and will need to be replaced with concrete posts. The Recreational Field are going to hire out the football pitch during the summer which will help towards the upkeep. Fireworks have been ordered and a meeting will be arranged with FOSSA about the event.
27. General maintenance in the Parish
The bench on Saxilby Road appears to have been vandalised. Clerk to report to the police and ask handyman to look into removal.
The toilet in the OSR appears to be dripping, possible problem with the cistern tank. Cllr Taylor has tried to investigate however the lid appears to be stuck. Clerk to ask the handyman to look.
It was noted that the handyman has completed all of jobs, except the Bransby notice board, reported in the annual walkaround inspections.
28. Items to be noted for the next meeting
Closed session required to discuss staffing
Advertise the Litter Picker Position- Facebook and notice boards.
Meeting Closed at 9.48pm
Smoke alarm tested and passed.