July 2023 Minutes
Sturton by Stow Parish Council met on Wednesday 5 July 2023 in The Old Schoolroom. The Meeting started at 7.00pm.
Meeting chaired by the Chair Cllr Gilbert. Present: Parish Clerk, Cllr Christie, Cllr Cook, Cllr Hawke, Cllr Taylor, Cllr Hoyland and 7 members of the public.
Cllr Gilbert welcomed everybody to the July Meeting.
It was noted no one was recording the meeting.
- Apologies
Apologies from Cllr Butroid.
- To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Taylor declaration of interest, Item 9a) ii) Flagpole Express Ltd £24.48
- Representation from Tillbridge Solar to Parish Council
Meeting opened to the representation of Tillbridge Solar to Parish Council at 7.05pm.
Representatives from Tillbridge Solar were invited to answer questions posed by Councillors.
The main questions were around size, pollution monitoring, mitigation, biodiversity measures, grass control, micro-climate impacts, hedgerow removal, the amount of traffic and routing.
The representatives spoke at length and encouraged Parish Council send their comments to them for their preliminary statutory consultation.
(The response document will be posted onto the Parish Website)
Cllr Mullally joined the meeting at 7.33pm
The cables will be underground as to not spoil the view. The site is looking to submit a planning application by the end of the year. Any feedback or comments for the statutory consultation- Deadline 11 July 2023.
A member of the public joined the meeting at 7.34pm
Meeting closed to Tillbridge Solar representatives at 7.35pm Cllr Gilbert thanked the representation for attending and answering questions from the Parish Council.
4 Members of the Public left
- Meeting opened to the Public.
The meeting opened to the Public at 7.37pm.
Cllr Mullally from West Lindsey District Council introduced herself to the Parish Council and looks forward to working with us.
Meeting closed to the public at 7.38pm
- To approve minutes of previous meeting in June 2023
It was noted that item 16 is missing the word ‘between’. The footpath between Westwoods.
Item 30 is missing the words ‘a wooden panel’. School Lane junction a wooden panel. It was agreed and RESOLVED to approve that the minutes be approved.
- Matters arising from minutes.
We were successful with the FCC Funding- this will be discussed further on item 15.
The budget has been worked on within the new system and will be discussed on item 18.
As reported in the playpark inspection. The Handyman has tied cable ties on the swings as a deterrent to stop the birds perching and fouling on the equipment. Handyman has been asked to clean equipment.
The Close and Upper Close Street signs - reported to Fix My Street.
The Lichen growing on the speed limit sign on Marton Road has been reported to the relevant LCC department.
Cllr Butroid has kindly chased and reported the pavements, hedging and potholes reported in last month’s meeting.
The notice board at Bransby needs to be removed due to building works. Cllr Taylor volunteered to help.
The hedging on the footpath to Ashfield has been reported to Acis.
The rough grass left under the line of trees on The Glebe is on the hedge contract. Next year it can be moved to the Grass Contract.
Cllr Gilbert has reported the damage to the trees on The Glebe and has a police report number.
All maintenance jobs have been reported to the Handyman.
Notification from Fix My Street shows the broken gulley at the entrance to The Glebe has been fixed.
- Correspondence received.
Clerk and Council magazine, Monthly play park inspection sheet.
- Accounts: cheques to be issued-
Cllr Taylor abstained from voting due to declaration of interest.
a) Payments agreedi) Salaries-Consultant Clerk/ Clerk and expenses/litter picker/OSR Cleaner/ Handyman
ii) Flagpole Express Ltd- £24.48 +VAT
iii) Continental Landscapes – £928.44 + VAT
All payments agreed and RESOLVED
b) Payments to be agreedi) Data Protection £40
ii) 3 Party FCC Funding £787.82
iii) Jewsons- Handyman Materials for the OSR- £115.98 +VAT
iv) Bridge McFarland- Rec Field- Land Registry- £699.20
All payments agreed and RESOLVED
c)Direct Debits paidMultidata £46.05 (June)
British Gas OSR £14.54 + VAT
British Gas Village green £2.48 + VAT
ID Mobile £23.92
All payments agreed and RESOLVED
d) Bank Fees Unity Bank £6.20
All payments agreed and RESOLVED
e) Monies Received Wayleave £4.60 – replacement cheque
Bank Balances following all payments.
C/A £5,124.90U- N C/A £13,442.99U-N D/A £255.22 Nat Savings £26,878.17
- Accounts July 2023 summary –circulated.
It was noted that the bank fees for the new bank account are £6.00 a month charged quarterly at £18.00. The first charge in Feb/March when the account opened was £6.20 due to an overdrawn debit charged to the account. This month the charge will be £5.60 to counteract over payments.
£6.04 has been added to the Santander due to accounting error occurred on the new accounts packaged when closing the deposit account and transferring monies to current account.
It was noted that we had received £0.62p interest in the new bank account, this has been added to the accounts.
It was RESOLVED to agree the accounts.
- To discuss the possible felling of Sycamore trees located in Jubilee Wood.
The meeting was opened at 8.00pm to a representation of Bransby Home for Horses.
Sycamore trees are situated in Jubilee Wood and opposite the water ditch. The trees are very near to the Bransby Horses Home isolation bay. Council was informed at the last meeting that the trees are toxic to Horses if ingested. In the last 15/20 years there has been more extensive research into this. The ‘helicopter’ seeds disburse to the horse fields, they then turn to saplings and must be sprayed, to follow extensive groundwork is needed to make the field as safe as can be for the Horses. Bransby Horses Home asked if they could fell the Sycamore trees and replaced them. A tree expert from Bransby will be able to assist an alternative tree to replace the Sycamores if felled. Cllr Hawke to assess the trees in Jubilee Wood and to liaise with Bransby and survey the trees in regard to wildlife. It was agreed in principle and RESOLVED that in line with a survey and inspection the trees can be felled and replaced with a tree species safe for the horses potentially of the maple variety.
Meeting closed to the public 8.08pm
One member of the public left.
- To discuss new Solar Proposal Luminous Energy
Luminous Energy is a relatively small development and is proposing to use the overhanging lines. It was agreed and RESOLVED to register an interest, so we are kept informed and updated.
- To discuss new editor for the village newsletter
The current Editor of the newsletter is ready to step down from her current position before the next issue is due. Previous editor is happy to help if needed. Cllr Hoyland volunteered to edit the newsletter until the new editor is ready to take over. It was agreed and RESOLVED that the Parish Council will take on this role and collect content.
- To discuss and agree to join the LCC Litter picking scheme.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to join the LCC Litter Picking scheme in order to receive equipment and encourage residents to help keep the Parish litter free.
- To discuss changes and agree to continue with FCC Funding
We have been successful with the FCC funding to purchase a basket swing for the village hall play park. This is an inclusive piece of equipment that will provide play to a child of any ability. Upon collecting quotes, it has highlighted the rockers are still fit for purpose; they just require groundwork to raise the land and re-grass in order to cover the bases. Therefore, we propose that the basket swing is installed opposite the original area discussed. It was agreed and RESOLVED to install the basket swing opposite the rockers and to research earthworks quotes for the rockers area.
- To discuss options for maturing bond for July 2023
It was agreed and RESOLVED to move the money and interest to a 1-year bond with the current provider.
- To agree a payment of £75 +VAT to update Land Registry Titles for the Parish Council.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to pay the fee and have the solicitor update the Land Registry Titles for the Parish Council.
- To discuss quarterly budget
It was agreed and RESOLVED that the budget needs further work to ensure the codes are assigned correctly on the new accounts system.
- To discuss the £150 already agreed virement and agree where to take the virement from
It was agreed and RESOLVED that the £150 virement agreed at the June meeting will come from maintenance and drainage.
- To discuss and agree a virement to cover former Clerks costs.
It was agreed and RESOLVED that CIL money will be used to cover the costs of the OSR repointing and a virement of the budgeted OSR project monies will be moved to the PC pot to cover the former Clerks overspend cost.
- To discuss and agree to book New Clerk Training 13th and 20th September 10-4 This session builds on the basics for anyone who has become a clerk within the last two years. Topics covered will include: Powers, Duties, Finance and Meeting procedures
It was agreed and RESOLVED for the Clerk to attend.
- To discuss and agree options for a Warm Space for the winter months.
The previous volunteers would be contacted to confirm a weekly warm space for the winter months. An article asking for volunteers in the newsletter could be facilitated. It was agreed in principle and RESOLVED.
8.50pm Two members of the public left.
- To discuss and agree the purchase of Xmas Trees
It was agreed and RESOLVED to purchase small trees and one large tree as per previous years. Measurements of Christmas trees holders and flag pole dimensions needed to ensure the tree trunks reamed to correct size for easier fitting.
- To agree to advertise for grants 23/24
It was agreed and RESOLVED to bring advertising for grants to local organisations for 23/24 forward. Posters will be put on noticeboard and local Facebook page.
- To discuss, plan and agree Remembrance Day Ceremony and arrangement for Wreath.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to meet at the Cenotaph on Sunday 12 November 2023 at 3pm for a service. Clerk to contact RBL for the wreath, bugler and to invite the new Vicar at Saxilby. Sausage rolls and mince pie list to circulate nearer the time, contributions are appreciated.
Cllr Hoyland to ask Youth Club Committee if members of the Youth Club will clean the cenotaph as previous years. Clerk to change order of service to His Majesty 2023.
- To review and discuss Remembrance Day Risk Assessment
The Remembrance Day risk assessment was reviewed, it agreed and RESOLVED to make no amendments.
- To review and discuss General Maintenance Risk Assessment
The General Maintenance risk assessment was reviewed, it was agreed and RESOLVED to make no amendments.
- To review and discuss Litter Picker Risk Assessment
The litter picker risk assessment was reviewed, it was agreed and RESOLVED to make no amendments.
- To review and discuss Risk Assessment Pg 5
The Parish Council Risk assessment pg. 5 was reviewed, it was agreed and RESOLVED to make no amendments. It was noted to check insurance documents for value of cover for a rebuild.
- Update on the Riparian Project
The Parish drain has been inspected and will be cleaned out as it is the main route to direct water out of the village. A leaflet has been developed and delivered to properties in the village. There has been no further contact with the Flood Action Group.
Cllr Gilbert to chase.
- Reports from local organisation.
Cllr Taylor- Village Hall- Blinds have been installed in the upstairs storage area for the archaeological finds. The handrail is beginning to be installed and the roof insulation is complete.
The Saturday market is still showing signs of picking up with no charge for the tables and the History Society speaker was well attended.
Cllr Hoyland- Youth Club- No update
Clerk- The Recreational Ground Committee have a meeting scheduled. They will send us the minutes. Cllr Gilbert suggests resending details of FCC Funding to the committee as this funding and the grant system could help update the play equipment on the Recreational ground.
- General maintenance in the Parish
The hedge north of the village hall is overgrown. Clerk to report on Fix my Street.
- Items to be noted for the next meeting.
Invite the new Vicar to the next meeting to introduce themselves.
Content from local organisation for the Newsletter
Using teams to transcribe the meeting.
Meeting closed 9.50pm
Smoke alarm tested and passed.