December 23 Minutes
Smoke alarm tested and passed 7.15pm
Sturton by Stow Parish Council met on Wednesday 6th December 2023 in the Old Schoolroom. The Meeting started at 7.30pm.
Meeting chaired by Cllr Gilbert. Present: Parish Clerk, Cllr. C. Christie, Cllr Taylor, Cllr. S. Christie, Cllr. Cook, Cllr Hoyland and Cllr Hawke and 10 members of the public.
Cllr Gilbert welcomed everybody to the December Meeting.
1. Recording of Meeting
It was noted that no one was recording meeting.
2. Apologies
No apologies all Councillors in attendance
3. To receive declarations of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Cllr Gilbert declared a financial interest in Item 13 b) 4 Expenses for Gate Burton Hearings. Cllr Gilbert will be abstained from voting when this item is discussed.
4. To agree co-option of a new Councillor
Mr Holtby introduced himself and notified the council that he has lived in the village for 30 years. He was originally in the army and is a director of a museum. He is used to attending formal meetings and has a wide range of skills to bring to the council.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to co-opt a new Councillor.
5. Meeting opened to the public at 7.33pm- Three members of public wished to speak
A representative from the Village Hall spoke about their regret that Parish Council could not support the Village Hall with a grant this year. He highlighted his concern relating to the grant procedure and the view that the decision being made to not support Village Hall was partly in relation to their substantial bank balance. He made council aware of the annual running costs of the Village Hall and the justification that they are encouraged to hold twice the annual running costs in reserve. He also notified the council that many Village Halls are having to close due to the rising costs. Volunteers help where they can however the upkeep can be costly. They have recently endured an inspection to assess whether there is RAAC used in the building and the results show that the roof is steel beamed. If this was not the case, then a huge, unexpected cost would have necessary, hence the importance of having the reserves. The representative advised the council to take these points into account when considering grants applications next year as the Village Hall benefits greatly from the grant provided by the Parish Council and sadly this year will not. The Parish Council will take the comments on board for the next round of grant applications.
At 7.38pm the second resident to speak shares concerns about the whereabouts of the minutes from the November meeting as they could not be located online or in the notice board. The chair informed the resident that the minutes from the previous meeting will be signed at this meeting and then would be published once signed. The resident questioned whether the Co-op were funding the crossing or had an input in the positioning of the proposed Crossing. The Chair and Cllr Butroid informed the resident that the proposed crossing was being fully funded by the LCC. The resident highlighted her concern about the position of the proposed crossing public notice that has recently been supplied by the LCC. She questioned that when asked at a previous meeting, Parish Council had no knowledge of the current proposed position of the crossing being directly outside the village shop. The resident informed the Council that this would have a direct impact on the business as customers would not be able to park outside of the park. It would also make deliveries to the shop impossible and customers with larger vehicles such as tractors and lorries would not be able to park nearby due to the parking restrictions imposed with the crossing. The resident also questioned why other traffic calming solutions could not be used that doesn’t involve a crossing being placed across the village shops driveway such as speed cameras, flashing speed limit signage, speed bumps, many of which are used in other villages. Cllr Butroid informed the resident that after extensive research into the criteria for the suggested alternative traffic calming solutions and that due to the number of accidents reported, type of road, use of road etc this road does not meet the criteria for traffic calming such as speed cameras and other counter measures etc. Tillbridge Road is a main route used by emergency vehicles for this reason and to avoid nuisance noise to nearby residents speed bumps would not be permitted.
Aside from excessive speed, it is also the inconsiderate parking which does make the road even more dangerous and difficult to cross for our most vulnerable pedestrians in the village.
The Chair informed the resident that the current positioning of the crossing was not where the proposed position had been suggested to Highways. Cllr Butroid seconded this information. Until the public notice was issued, Cllr Butroid was under the impression that the position would be from the dropped kerbs outside the Co-op leading to the Village Green not directly outside of the village shop. One proposed location was the far side of the junction on Marton Road. It was deemed that this positioning would not be as beneficial since the natural path taken by the majority pedestrians is across the current dropped kerbs. Road inspections have taken place and the crossing appears to have been moved for reasons unknown. The Chair informed the resident that they could object using the information provided, meanwhile Cllr Butroid ensured that he would look into why the crossing has been re-positioned feedback to the parish council.
At 7.40pm A resident highlighted concerns regarding the condition of pavements and surfaces along Queensway. The uneven pavement surfaces were described as being unsafe and un accessible. The resident states that this is unacceptable and residents safety is at risk. The resident reported that a pothole near the bungalows was becoming increasingly large and dangerous as well as a sunken drain at the top of the junction. The resident queried why pavements located in the village nearby have been re-surfaced recently the original state of the pavement was nowhere near the state of the pavements down Queensway. He finds it hard to believe that this area was being seen as more important than Queensway. The resident also highlighted his concern about the proposed crossing and how the decision will affect the value of the shop. He queried whether the shop owner would be reimbursed for the disruption and expressed his concerns of how dangerous a crossing would be being placed so close to a junction. He can only recall one death on the junction in 75 years which was caused by a collision of two cars around the junction. Cllr Butroid informed the resident that the condition of the pavements on Queensway is on the list and awaiting a date to schedule works. Prior to the new houses being built on Queensway the scheduled work on the pavements were paused and then were pushed down the list.
Cllr Butroid addressed the residents and councillors and informed everyone that Highways have an annual asset management inspection where they prioritise damage of the roads. Grade of road, surface dressing and whether the road needs to be rebuilt are taken into consideration. Cllr Butroid to report the pothole near the bungalows. The Chair informed the resident and Cllr Butroid that the sunken drain has been reported and inspected.
In regard to the crossing Cllr Butroid stated that the crossing was proposed to be situated on the dropped kerbs leading to the green, giving sufficient distance from the junction. A crossing has been spoken about for years and for residents to comment through the available sources and the decision will then go to the committee. Cllr Butroid informed the Council that minor repairs are to take place on Twitchell.
8.01pm Two members of the public left the meeting
Meeting closed to the public at 8.02pm
6. To approve minutes of previous meeting in November 2023 and Extraordinary meeting November 2023.
It was noted that in item 6 paragraph 2; the minutes reads ‘Clerk has contacted the previous contactors’ the words contactors needs amending to ‘contractors’ and Item 22 ‘unwashed gravel’ needs amending to ‘washed gravel It was agreed and RESOLVED to amend and approve the November Minutes and Extraordinary meeting November minutes.
8.04pm one member of public left the meeting.
7. Matters arising from minutes.
Regarding a resident’s apprehension about bats and the mass felling of trees at 31 Tillbridge Road. The enforcement officer states there are no reasonable grounds that an offence has occurred. If any offence is committed it needs to be reported to the police, not the enforcement team.
Clerk is awaiting update for the cost of re positioning the bus shelter on Stow Road.
The Play Park has been re-opened and ready for use. District Councillor Mullally attended the re-opening. The reports have been published through social media, the website, newsletter, FCC Funding, WLDC and posters on notice boards. The final part of the funding process is to submit the paid invoice and finalise the online portal.
Fix My Street- The gulley on the high street has been re reported and fixed. The Close and Upper Close signs have not been replaced. The Lichen on the speed limit sign is under investigation. Clerk to has re reported on Fix my Street with photos. Cllr Butroid to report the signage.
The Savings account has been successfully opened.
The newsletter draft is ready for circulation.
Remembrance Day had a good turnout. There has been a change in the payment process. The invoice and donation will be paid in two separate online payments as seen in the accounts.
The Communities Facilities Funding has been received from WLDC to cover the costs of the groundwork around the rockers.
The Christmas trees arrived on Friday 1st December. Many thanks to Cllr Taylor who assisted delivery and to all Councillors and helpers who helped to put the tree up and to Tillbridge Tastery who kindly offered refreshments. The Christmas Light Switch on was a success and well attended by residents and the school choir. The lights were switched on by Cllr Gilbert and Mr Tindall. Many thanks again to Tillbridge Tastery for the lovely refreshments circulating around the residents. The new multi coloured lights give the tree that extra sparkle and has already been photographed for looking festive in the snow.
As reported in the ROSPA inspection and the playpark inspection sheet. A quote for pressure washing the highlighted surfaces in the playparks on the agenda for discussion.
The Noticeboard for the church yard extension has been delayed while waiting for the glass to arrive. It is looking to being installed in the new year.
Resurfacing works in Bransby have taken place.
The letter of thanks has been received by Bransby Horses Home, they look forward with information sharing and communicating with Parish Council in the future.
The tree on the village green has been trimmed slightly. The trimming will be completed when the leaves fall.
All grant recipients have been notified.
The slide replacement has had to be put on hold. Clerk has looked into lottery funding. Parish Council could be eligible for up to £20,000 which means we could look at replacing the play park equipment on The Glebe and replacing the slide as one big project. Newly co-opted Cllr Holtby has been successful with lottery funding before, Clerk to liaise with Cllr Holtby.
The Budget to be revisited and agreed on the agenda.
A new padlock has been purchased for Jubilee Wood
Clerk has had confirmation that CIL money can cover the cost to replenish the sand supplies after storm Babet. Clerk was advised from WLDC to seek funding from the LCC. LCC do not offer funding for this purpose. The Councillor Initiative Fund could be used to fund in the future.
8. Correspondence received.
Playpark inspection sheet, Youth Club report and Newsletter draft
9. Allotment Update
The Council were informed by a local resident that they may be able to help. The land is situated near Queensway. Unfortunately the land is subject to flooding and there is a lack of parking space which will be problematic for residents in Queensway. Most of the land in this area is ridge and furrow. The Neighbourhood Plan does not support change of this land. There may be alternative land available elsewhere but this will take time due to the current land user’s commitments. Cllr Taylor to chase.
It was agreed and RESOLVED that the land offered at this point does not correspond with the Neighbourhood Plan and is not a suitable land to have allotments. A decision in writing with be sent to the landowner along with our thanks for their offer to explore the possibility for use as allotments.
10. Planning Applications
Planning Application-147583- 4 St Hugh’s Terrace- Planning application for conversion of existing double garage into a granny annex.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to support the proposal and request for a condition that the annex stays single storey and that no additional access can be added at a later date which could result in the plot being split. The condition is to future proof against the risk of further development.
Cllr S Christie does not support the requested condition and abstained from voting
11. Planning Granted
Planning Application 147388- Barn at Moor Farm, Tillbridge Road- Prior approval for proposed change of use from agricultural building to 1no. dwelling.
Planning Application 147421- 19 Fleets Road- Request for confirmation of compliance with condition 3 (gate details) of planning permission 146982 granted 6 September 2023.
At 8.30pm one member of the public left the meeting.
12. Other Planning Matters
13. Accounts: Online payments to be authorised.
Payments agreed i) Salaries-Clerk and expenses/ litter picker/OSR Cleaner/Handyman/PAYE
ii) Pelican Trust Newsletter Printing- £115 no VAT
iii) Kompan- Basket Swing- £7,179.19 including VAT
iv) Kompan- Reinstating ground around the rockers £4,628.58 including VAT
b) Payments to be agreed i) Continental Landscapes (Oct) – Grass cutting £601.50 including VAT.
ii) Royal British Legion- Wreath and donation £27.50 and Donation £12.50 Total £40
iii) Jewsons- Replenish sand supplies in the sand bin £70.80 including VAT
iv) Cllr Gilbert Expenses for West Burton Hearings £17.55
(Cllr Gilbert did not vote)
c) Direct Debits paid Multidata £46.05 (November)
British Gas OSR £21.01 including VAT
British Gas Village green £11.72 including VAT.
ID Mobile £23.92 including VAT
Charge Card- £112.08 including VAT – (£3 Bank Fee, Microsoft Office software renewal, cleaning supplies, Remembrance Day refreshments, jubilee wood padlock).
d) Monies received LCC Grass cutting reimbursement £902.92
£20 OSR Hire 28/11/23
November Multidata reimbursement £46.05
WLDC Communities Facilities Fund (groundwork around rockers) £3,857.15
e) Bank Fees Multi Charge Card monthly charge £3 included within charge card total.
Bank Balances following all payments:
C/A £921.01 N-U-C/A £23,252.46 N-U-D/A £399.52 Nat Savings £0
14. Accounts December 2023 summary –circulated.
It was noted that the total figure on the November money reserves sheet was incorrect. The figure should read £34,204.10 not £33,010.48 as stated. There was an error in the receipts column on the money reserves sheet that had not been included. It was also noted that the NS&I transferred funds amount had been duplicated, one with the added interest and one without, this has been amended. It was noted that all payments and receipts on the accounts were displayed correctly. It was also noted that part payment using CIL money for the Litter bin installed outside the village had been returned to the CIL funds as the payment could not be spilt on the accounts package. Instead, the full amount has been taken from Planters/Visual Improvements.
It was agreed and RESOLVED that the accept the December accounts and amendments to the November Account summary.
15. To discuss tenders and appoint a new contractor for grass and hedge contracts 24/25
Only one tender has been received. Clerk to contact other contractors from nearby Parish Councils and defer to January/February meeting. Cllr S Christie to raise a tender query with the contractor of the received tender as some information received did not correspond with the tender sent out.
16. To agree to purchase universal computer software for the new editor of the newsletter Affinity Publisher 2 at a cost of £95.99 including VAT.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to purchase the universal software licence on the Parish Councils’ email to aid the Editor in creating the Village Newsletter.
17. To revisit and discuss possible gifting of equipment using S137 monies to the Football Club
Cllr Hawke declared an interest in this item and was abstained from voting as the item was being discussed.
The Football Club were declined a grant due to playing in a men’s only league team.
Cllr Holtby suggested a youth development scheme to include male and female players could open the Football Club up to new funding.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to purchase the equipment using S137 monies for the Football Club as a one-off gift. Goals and Training Balls to be purchased in April.
18. To discuss quote for pressure washing surface areas in playparks.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the quote for pressure washing the surfaces highlighted within the three playparks subject to VAT and to first question that if detergent is being used then it is child, wildlife and ground friendly. Clerk to obtain a copy of the contractors Public Liability Insurance document.
19. To agree virement from elections costs and former clerk reserves to the parish council reserve.
It was discussed that the Parish Council reserve needs replenishing after covering large amounts of VAT, unexpected purchases and awaiting reimbursements. It was agreed and RESOLVED to make virements of £4,000 from the playpark fund, 180.37 from Former Clerk and £266.39 from Elections. The balance remaining in the Parish Council reserve at year end will be placed back into the Playpark account.
Two members of the public left the meeting at 8.56pm
20. To agree final budget figure 24/25
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the budget 24/25 figure £38,226.00.
21. To agree final precept figure 24/25
It was agreed and RESOLVED to finalise the Precept figure at £36,500.00.
Clerk to submit paperwork to WLDC.
22. To discuss and agree xmas vouchers for volunteers.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to purchase £120 multi shop gift vouchers to split across the six agreed volunteers.
23. To agree to enter Grass cutting Agreement with Highways for 24/25
It was agreed and RESOLVED to enter Grass cutting agreement with Highways for 24/25.
24. To review OSR Fire risk assessment
Defer to January meeting.
25. Update on Scampton
Meeting opened up to Cllr Butroid at 9.20pm
Cllr Butroid informed the council that WLDC have an application to challenge the judgement. Stop notices are still in place. Looking for an appeal.
Scampton PC are organising an Inter Parish Meeting at WLDC with a representation from the Home Office on the 11th January at 7pm. Cllr Cook has provisionally accepted to attend.
9.22pm meeting closed to Cllr Butroid and a member of the public left the room to take a phone call and returned at 9.24pm
26. Reports from local organisation.
Speed Watch- There is a new co-ordinator for Speed Watch, he is a long term member and will continue to set the rota and share information with the Road Safety Partnership Team.
Village Hall- A high up clean has been commenced within the hall, the upgrading of the toilets has been completed The Xmas market was a success and the Christmas decorations are up. The committee are currently gathering quotes to replace the heaters like for like. The beams were inspected and are made of steel not RAAC. The Bowls Club are the new Co-op Champions. They have been allocated December to March for gaining dividend points- There is a possibility that a new mat will be purchased.
Youth Club- Members have increased and are remaining consistent. There are challenges that volunteers are 16/17 years old. They are in need of older volunteers 18+. Due to the weather on Bonfire night, the public arrived later. Stock was left over however this can be used next year. The Youth Club understood the feedback about the grant procedure and thank the Parish Council for accepting their grant application. The Youth Club suggests that the Cenotaph has a professional clean to reach those hard to reach areas which the volunteers cannot reach.
Jubilee Wood has been unable to organise the working party as the ground has been flooded with the heavy rainfall.
27. General maintenance in the Parish
The dropped grate on Queensway junction has been reported and inspected by Highways.
There is a hole in the pavement on Saxilby Road near lamppost 3, this has been reported on Fix My Street.
Cllr Gilbert notified the Council that she is officially resigning from the position of Chairman and parish councillor.
Vice Chair Cllr Cook took control and chaired the meeting from this point.
Mrs Gilbert then sat with the public.
28. Update on Solar Farms. To agree a representative to act on behalf of Parish Council.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to allow Mrs Gilbert to represent and act on behalf of the Parish Council at the Cottam open floor hearings on Thursday 7th December and follow up finalisations from previously attended West Burton hearings. Mrs Gilbert to draft written submissions and Clerk to circulate to Councillors for comments prior to submission date. Clerk to then submit to the relevant planning inspectorate. Alternative Parish Cllr to be assigned for future Solar meetings dependent on Election of Chairman.
The meeting was opened to Cllr Butroid at 9.55pm to bring Cllr Holtby up to speed that the WLDC were against the massive Solar Farm proposal and that LCC were in favour of Solar on rooftops and not grade 1,2,3a and 3b land. Meeting closed to Cllr Butroid at 9.57pm
29. Update on Neighbourhood plan. To agree a representative to act on behalf of Parish Council.
It was agreed and RESOLVED that Mrs Gilbert has been a member of the Neighbourhood Plan group since its formation. The Neighbourhood Plan committee is not a Parish Council group and therefore Mrs Gilbert is able to continue in her role but not to represent the Parish Council. The Neighbourhood Plan is coming to the end of the reviewing process. It was noted that WLDC has not had a review like this before. Cllr Cook to remain on the NP committee and represent the Parish Council through the reviewing process.
30. Items to be noted for the next meeting.
To agree a replacement Chairman.
To revisit the Grass and Hedge Tender if obtained prior to the January meeting.
Meeting closed at 10.00pm