January 2025
Sturton by Stow Parish Council met on Wednesday 8th January 2025 in the Old Schoolroom.
The meeting started at 7.30pm
Meeting Chaired by Cllr Cook.
Present: Parish Clerk, Cllr. Holtby Cllr. S. Christie, Cllr. C. Christie, Cllr Hawke, Cllr Butroid and Mr Capuano.
Cllr Cook welcomed everybody to the January 2025 meeting
1. Recording of the meeting.
It was noted that no one was recording the meeting.
2. Apologies
Cllr Hoyland and Cllr Taylor who will arrive late due to the VH Committee meeting.
3. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Holtby declared a financial interest in item 13a i) Salaries. Cllr Holtby will abstain from voting when this item is discussed.
4. To agree co-option of a new councillor.
Mr Capuano was welcomed back to the meeting having had his co-option on hold since presenting himself at the November meeting due to the eligibility criteria. It was agreed and RESOLVED to co-opt Mr Capuano as a parish councillor. Mr Capuano completed the declaration of office, code of conduct and register of interests. Clerk to forward documents to WLDC.
5. Meeting opened to the public.
At 7.32 pm the meeting was opened to the public.
The Clerk asked Cllr Butroid if there was any news regarding the TRO Consultation to change the existing 40mph to 30mph on the northern end of Stow Road. Cllr Butroid responded that he would check for an update.
The Chairman highlighted that due to the weather the water accumulating outside of the Bradshaws entrance had frozen and a resident had slipped. This was reported to FMS and has been logged as a priority.
Cllr Butroid said he would chase the report and see when work had been scheduled. Cllr S Christie had sent the photographic evidence of the area still retaining water during and after rain fall as requested at the last meeting.
The clerk questioned whether a site visit to Twitchell was still required as it seemed the area had been cleared of debris and maintained. Cllr Butroid informed the council that to his knowledge the LCC have taken responsibility for the maintenance of the footpath and trees within the footpath, a site visit is no longer required. Cllr Butroid will request this in writing for the Parish Councils records.
The Council thanked Cllr Butroid for his updates and the meeting closed to the public at 7.48pm.
6. To approve minutes of previous meeting in December 2024
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the December 2024 minutes with no amendments.
7. Matters arising from minutes.
Fix my Street
Clerk reported the standing water on Saxilby Road, highlighted by a resident at a recent meeting to fix my street- Action scheduled
Missing sign at the entrance to Bransby Village from Saxilby Road- Status changed to investigating
The south gulley at the bottom of The Glebe is flooding at the corner and across the road during heavy rainfall. A job has been scheduled but not completed.
The previously reported hedging on Saxilby Road leading out of the village to the footpath looks as though it has been maintained.
Parish Council plans to re connect with both Anglian Water regarding the representation made about the inadequate sewage system and drainage and highlighting concerns to West Lindsey District Council. Cllr Cook to devise a letter asking direct questions regarding specific areas within the village that are prone to flooding and including Cllr Hawkes’ statistics shared at the previous meeting.
The Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership should be beable to advise on any additional measures that could be taken by the Parish Council in relation to the Community Speed Watch. Regarding a 40mph buffer coming into the village on Marton Road of which a 40mph buffer did not reach the criteria. Cllr Hawke informed us at the last meeting that a monitoring black box had been installed and Cllr Butroid suggested it would have been collecting data.
Cllr S Christie volunteered to read a short passage of scripture at the annual Carol Service at Stow Church held on Christmas Eve. Thankyou for attending on behalf of the Parish Council.
Regarding the fallen trees from Rectory Park to The Glebe the council has collected information for a nearby resident for next steps in getting the debris removed. Meanwhile a resident has kindly removed most of the trees to make the area passable and safe. Clerk to send letter to LSH Residential.
The Play inspection company stated they no longer offer rolling contracts and prices are now reviewed on an annual basis. After each inspection, a repeat form will be issued with the price for the inspection to be carried out the following year. Clerk has declined the rolling contract for our next inspection.
Clerk has liaised with the bus company and Mr Smoothy for advice regarding installing bins on the bus stop poles. The outcome was that we are not allowed to install bins on the bus stop poles. Therefore, a bin and pole will have to be installed if required.
The Village Hall playpark tree maintenance is complete. There is an additional invoice to discuss on the agenda for additional work.
LRF are going to schedule training exercise for an evening session in January, date to be confirmed.
The final precept figure has been submitted to WLDC. Clerk has a copy of budget form for the chairman to sign.
The grass contractor has questioned whether tree work was required before nesting season on Old Rectory Gardens to aid the grass cutting. It was discussed that no further pruning was required this year.
The grass contractor also asked if the PC would like to be scheduled in for a March grass cut as suggested last year. Clerk to place on the February agenda for agreement.
Following the wet weather Mr Bruce has very kindly checked the sand boxes and they are both nearly full and there is spare sand in a bag by the box at the entrance of Bradshaws. He has redistributed the sandbags so there are now 20 in each box and suggest we order some more for spares.
He and other residents have suggested re locating the box at the entrance to Bradshaws. As the flood water tends to be around the sand box making it difficult to access. It has been suggested to re locate the sand box towards Stow just outside the school playing field, away from the worst of the flooding.
It was noted that the PC have already discussed installing an additional bin near Queensway/Saxilby Road as a project for this year. It was also suggested the possibility of adding shovels to the sand bins. Item to be added to the February agenda.
Clerk notified Cllr Mullally and the flood resilience team of the areas of flooding. Cllr Mullally had visited Queensway, and the flood gates had partially helped. She highlighted concerns to Acis. The Flood Team would like photos to evidence the areas of the village affected by floods.
Despite the weather the Christmas Light Switch on went ahead with a good turnout and enjoyed by all. Thank you to the councillors, Mr Timmins and Mr Tindall for helping to install the tree.
Thank you to Rev Jane Foster-Smith for attending and switching on the lights, the Tastery for the wonderful refreshments enjoyed by all and to the school choir for attending and singing.
Thankyou to Mr Tindall and the parish councillors for helping to take the tree down last weekend. This year we may need to consider to order for the tree to be delivered prior to the December meeting to enable us to meet payment terms if purchasing from Fillingham Christmas Trees.
The newsletter will be sent for printing this week after approval. The editor is away and as requested a guest editor for May edition. Cllr Hoyland has volunteered to write this edition.
Volunteers have passed on their Thanks for Christmas vouchers, they were very much appreciated.
Results of the Christmas lights display competition on the agenda
Grass/Hedge contractors have been notified of the outcome decided at the last meeting. It was questioned to whether the north side hedge of the car park at the front of the village hall had been included in the tender or whether it was to be added as an additional amendment.
The winning contractor has confirmed that this section forms part of the tender submitted. Contracts have been sent to the confirmed contractor
No update from Saxilby PC regarding the querying the whereabouts of a jointly purchased Speed Indicator
On 29th January 1pm-4pm the clerk will be attending the Cilca Introduction Day
The Clerk has the staff appraisals booked in throughout January.
Cllr Cook has summarised findings from the National Planning Policy Framework teams meeting and circulated via e-mail. A training session is now available. A Zoom session has been scheduled for the 4th February 2025 6pm-7pm.
Cllr Cook and Cllr Hawke have shown an interest in being added.
The Chairman has successfully been updated as programme administrator on the charge card.
8. Correspondence received
The playpark monthly inspection, Fraud information sheet and Fix my Street poster has been circulated electronically. Cllr Taylor has displayed these on the notice boards.
9. Planning Applications
WL/2024/01024 – 31 Red Roofs – Planning Application for erection of greenhouse, garden room and shed. It was agreed and RESOLVED to submit a general observation of no comment on the planning application.
10. Planning Granted
11. Other planning matters
WL/2024/00100 – Land at 31 Tillbridge Road.
A response to the BNG update was discussed. It was agreed and RESOLVED to submit the following response. Thank you for your email. After discussing your e-mail, the Parish Council looks forward to your best efforts to resolve this situation thus avoiding further deterioration to the property and ensuring the offset is as local to the site as possible.
It was discussed to remove WL/2024/00395 -Land at Barker Farm from the agenda.
12. To discuss and agree invoice for additional costs of £350 plus VAT for village hall tree works.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the additional quote as a gesture of goodwill.
Cllr S Christie abstained from voting.
Cllr Taylor joined the meeting at 8pm
13. Accounts: Online Payments to be authorised
a) Payments agreed i) Salaries-Clerk and expenses/ litter picker/OSR Cleaner/Handyman/PAYE
ii) Fillingham Christmas Trees- £481.20 including VAT.
iii) Arbour Woodland and Tree care- £1440 including VAT
b) Payments to be agreed i) Arbour Woodland and Tree Care- £350 plus VAT
c) Direct Debits paid Multidata £58.75 (December)
British Gas Lite- Village Green (X)
British Gas Lite- OSR £21.47 including VAT
ID Mobile £25.80 including VAT
Charge Card- (£60.75) including £3 Charge fee, £7.49 ink subscription, £13.20 Post Office Stamps, £17.06 Cleaning Supplies and £20.00 RBL Wreath.
d) Monies received November Multidata reimbursement £58.75
English Woodland Grant Scheme £162.95
Deposit Account Interest £6.38
Savings Account Interest £73.86
e) Bank Fees Multi Charge Card monthly charge £3 included within charge card total
Monthly bank fee £6
N-U-C/A £5,143.59 N-U-D/A £1,094.31 N-U-S/A £37,106.23
14. To agree January 2025 accounts summary –circulated
The preauthorised wages scheduled for 2/1/2025 were successful. The date the payment was authorised is logged on the payment sheet.
Deposit account and Savings account have accumulated interest.
Correspondence has been received about the reducing interest from 2.60%/2.63% to 2.50%/2.52% on the bank accounts, taking effect from 18th February.
The clerk has received correspondence from British Gas Lite regarding late payments being added to the account. British Gas Lite and has attempted to take further payments from the account since the blocking direct debits despite the account being under investigation to obtain the closing figures from the previous contract. The Clerk has contacted British Gas Lite and the matter has been resolved. The process should be complete in 2 weeks’ time. Cllr Taylor has recorded the current readings for the clerk to submit when the account is re activated. It was also noted that British Gas are still trying to resolve the smart meter in the OSR as it is still failing to send meter readings from the OSR. British Gas have booked to replace the meter on the 26th February 10.00-12.00.
Virements of the remaining funds from D Day, Grants paid and new trophies have been transferred to the Parish Council reserves as agreed at the previous meeting to enable for these former reserves to be closed.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the January 2025 accounts.
15. To agree bank reconciliation
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the electronic bank reconciliation produced by the Clerk on the account summary sheet. Cllr S Christie to complete hard copy of bank reconciliation after the meeting.
Cllr Mullally joined the meeting at 8.20pm
16. To agree to current LALC terms of reference to perform and complete the internal audit and future internal audits to support documentation for the AGAR.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the terms of reference from LALC and for LALC to perform the and complete all future internal audits. Chairman and Clerk signed and minute the document.
17. Results from the Christmas light display competition.
Judged by Ms Sneath Vice Chair of Scampton PC. Many Thanks to Cllr C Christie volunteering to chauffeur.
1st Place - 43 The Glebe Judges comments “It was colourful and nicely co-ordinated with pretty lights.”
2nd Place – 26 Fleets Road- Judges comments “Very Festive with the reindeers and Santa.”
Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to our judge Cllr C Sneath and everybody that took part. The winners have received their certificates, and the results have been posted on social media, the website, in the newsletter and displayed on the notice board.
18. To agree that Sturton by Stow village hall remains as the nominated rest centre facility in line with the Community Emergency Plan.
It was agreed and RESOLVED that the PC are happy for the village hall to remain as the nominated rest centre facility in line with the CEP.
19. To confirm with the Village Hall Committee that the PC and LRF have their continued permission to use the village Hall as a rest centre facility in case of an emergency in line with the Community Emergency Plan.
Cllr Taylor spoke on behalf of the Village Hall Committee that it was agreed by the Village Hall Committee to remain as the nominated rest centre facility in line with the CEP. Clerk to confirm with the village hall that the original email has been responded to and paperwork completed.
20. To agree to contact LSH Residential Rectory Park about fallen trees on the Glebe
It was agreed and RESOLVED to send a letter to LSH Residential regarding the disposing of the brash that remains on The Glebe. Clerk to circulate draft letter for authorisation
21. To review and discuss the Quarterly budget
The quarterly budget was reviewed and discussed. The Clerk stated that she had moved the payment for the heating tokens to office supplies as it was displaying under the grants categories. It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the quarterly budget.
22. To discuss and agree to register for a sim only or monthly contract up to £25 a month for the clerk’s phone.
It was agreed and RESOLVED for the clerk to sign up to a sim only 12-month contract consisting of unlimited calls and text messages with 30gb of data for £8 a month.
23. To agree to purchase an additional fluorescent door sign and additional signing for an evacuation point for the pub carpark, costs up to £50
Following our recent fire safety inspection and OSR Fire Risk Assessment it was highlighted that two of our fire safety signs are not fluorescent. It was recommended that we changed these signs for photoluminescent signs as the would self-illuminate in darkness. In the event of a fire and power failure the signs would glow in the dark and would provide clear signage to help you exit a building and inform you of the location of the fire assembly point.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to purchase a fluorescent fire safety door sign symbolising the running man and a fluorescent fire evacuation door sign to instruct where the evacuation assembly point is.
8.52pm Cllr Mullally offered to purchase the fire safety signs using Councillor Initiative Funding.
The Parish Council accepted the offer, and it was agreed and RESOLVED to purchase the signs using CIF. Clerk to purchase using the charge card and to complete a CIF form.
24. To discuss playpark inspection reports and summarise works if required
It was agreed and RESOLVED to carry out the playpark discussion meeting as planned on the 22nd January at 7.30pm, to enable a thoroughly discuss the playpark inspection reports and to summarise any works if needed. Prior to the scheduled meeting it was requested that the councillors make a site visit to each playpark and familiarise themselves with the equipment and surroundings. Clerk to re circulate the inspection reports.
25. Reports from local organisation.
Village Hall- The decision was made not to have a January market and to contemplate quarterly markets or themed markets to endeavour to generate interest. The stage floor is due to be re-painted and strips of wood are to be placed in front of the heaters to stop chairs being positioned in front of them.
Men in Sheds Club – The 3rd cabin will be arriving Friday afternoon.
Jubilee Wood – Unfortunately the two previous work parties have had to be cancelled due to the weather but we are hoping the work party scheduled for Sunday will go ahead.
26. General maintenance in the Parish
Fix My Street- Blocked Gulley opposite 2 Fleets Road. Clerk to report on FMS.
At 9.12pm Cllr Mullally and Cllr Butroid shared an update regarding the recent flooding in the village.
Cllr Mullally is collecting contact details on behalf of WLDC of those with homes that were flooded and has requested that the road sweeper visits the village to clear away the debris left from the floods.
Parish Councillors stated that 30mm of rain fell in 24 hours and highlighted that a lot of water was coming off the fields. Cllr Butroid stated to ascertain which fields the water is running off and notify the LCC as it is the landowner’s responsibility to stop the water running off their land into the village.
A cross-party meeting was suggested between WLDC, LCC, Anglian water, Highways and Internal Drainage Board. To highlight the lack of infrastructure the village has and the fact that the infrastructure cannot accommodate for new buildings that WLDC authorise. It was noted that the floods are becoming an annual occurrence.
As well as previous concerns the PC aims to write to Anglian Water challenging their assurance of capacity in the system as recent events show the drains cannot cope and are not fit for purpose.
Cllr Holtby highlighted the time frame of the initial phone call to highways to the road being closed. He questioned to whether there was quicker solution as heavy vehicles passing through the flood water to be pushed nearer to homes.
Cllr Butroid suggested that he could explore the possibility of councillors having the authority to close the road during floods, this would endure some training to ensure the procedure was followed correctly. A S19 report will have to be conducted if the water has entered the houses. Cllr Butroid also noted that if large, contracted vehicles are passing through closed roads they can be reported and have their planning revoked.
At 9.25pm Cllr Cook thanked Cllr Mullally and Cllr Butroid for their input and will devise a formal letter to them both with highlighting issues raised in regard to the flooding in hope that mitigation measures can be agreed to prevent further occurrences.
27. Update on Solar Farms
At 9.26pm Cllr Mullally updated the council that she had attended the panorama meeting which was well attended. Land that had been tested and reported back as bad quality had been retested and reported back at good quality.
Tillbridge Solar- 14th 15th 16th January Open Floor Hearing- Lincolnshire Showground
In January, a crucial bill calling for mandatory solar on new homes has its first debate in parliament, and you can help us give it every chance of being passed.
The Sunshine Bill, formally known as the ‘New Homes (Solar Generation) Bill,’ The bill would ensure all new homes have solar panels installed as standard. The Sunshine Bill is approaching its ‘Second Reading’ on Friday, 17 January 2025, meaning it has already been presented to parliament. Crucially, now is the first opportunity for debate. Assistance is requested to help Sunshine Bill pass through Parliament by calling on the MP to attend the debate on Friday, 17 January 2025.
At 9.31pm Cllr Mullally highlighted a case of ASB which had been reported of a youth knocking on doors asking for money. This issue has been reported.
The Clerk highlighted that a resident had raised a safety concern of youths riding bikes at a fast speed along the footpath into the small entrance to the recreational ground. It was discussed that a gate would be beneficial to ensure they had to slow down or dismount. The clerk has forwarded the email to the recreational field committee.
28. Items to be noted.
Clerk Appraisal due
Location of sand bins to be discussed
Purchase of sandbags
March Grass Cut
Meeting closed at 9.37pm. Smoke alarm tested and passed.