Extraordinary January 2025 Meeting Minutes

An Extraordinary Meeting of Sturton by Stow Parish Council was held on Monday 27th January 2025 in the Old Schoolroom. The meeting started at 7.30pm.

Meeting chaired by Cllr Cook.  Present: Parish Clerk, Cllr Holtby, Cllr Taylor, Cllr S Christie, Cllr. C. Christie, Cllr Capuano and 6 members of the public.

Cllr Cook welcomed everybody and outlined the agenda of the Extraordinary January 2025 Meeting.

1. Recording of Meeting

It was noted no one was recording meeting.

2. Apologies

Apologies accepted from Cllr Hoyland and Cllr Hawke.

3. To receive declarations of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.  


4. Meeting opened and closed to the public 7.31pm with no members of the public wishing to speak.

5. To discuss the amendments to planning application WL/2024/00100- Land at 31 Tillbridge Road

The Chairman highlighted that the original application contravened many parts of the Neighbourhood Plan which resulted in an objection from the Parish Council.

Policies previously identified as being impacted were sustainable development- not in keeping with the surroundings and housing mix and affordability as the previously proposed plots did not coincide with the types of properties required in the village which are 1,2, or 3 bed properties to serve the elderly and smaller families.

The original application impacted policies such as Delivering a good design and Residential Development Management - The access as the proposed access was not suitable and has the potential to affect the flow of traffic on Tillbridge Road as well as car park spaces available at the dwellings and privacy of the existing neighbouring properties. A massive impact of bio-diversity has already and will have long term effects on green infrastructure and Environmental Protection due to the destruction caused. This will then have an imminent effect to Flood Risk and implications to the surrounding area. 

The Neighbourhood plan has since been revised yet the outlook remains the same.

A member of the public asked the council to speak up as the public were struggling to hear. 

The Chairman reiterated to the councillors to speak up for the benefit of the public sat at the back.

The Chairman continued, stating that the amended documents go some way towards mitigating previously expressed objections. The dwellings have now been reduced from five to four and also amended to single storey dwellings which are now more in keeping with their local surroundings. 

The access to the proposed development now leads out to a 30mph and not a 40mph yet is still major concern as it is looks to be a single-track driveway with no line of site from entering from Tillbridge Road round the corner to the furthest dwelling at the back of the site. This could still affect flow of traffic from Tillbridge Road and propose issues for emergency vehicles to access dwellings. Parking remains an issue as there is no room for visitor parking without causing the access road to become restricted. Then again poses a risk for the access of emergency vehicles.

The dereliction of the site has been detrimental and protests against bio-diversity. 

Flood risk still remains a major issue as the amended documents show a pond which could exacerbate the risk of further flooding. This is an issue which the village already experiences due to sewerage system is at capacity of which the Parish Council are engaging with.

At 7.44pm a member of the public offered his knowledge and expertise on the underground foul pipework as he resides close to the site being discussed. He informed the councillors of the connection point where the proposed development would be connected to, this was identified as roughly being in the middle of Tillbridge Road.  He highlighted that 10 properties from Gilberts Close already feed into this connection as well as 37 more dwellings to be built. He highlighted in a recent storm 3 properties across the road have had sewage in their gardens and stated that the sewerage system is not fit for purpose. 

At 7.47pm The Chairman thanked the resident for the information. 

At 7.47 pm Cllr S Christie stated that pipes from properties do not work at full capacity, only in a severe storm and thar traffic on Tillbridge Road would be affected whilst the properties are being connected. 

The Chairman stated that the flood risk and sewage capacity that formed part of the original objection maintains as there has been no mitigation.

He itemised that the size of the properties have been mitigated and the green space with mention about reservations of additional land continues. The application has been amended yet still concerns of the overloading of the sewage system and bio diversity of the green space still remain.

It was discussed that the increase of hardstanding could make the area suspectable to flooding. The area is more impermeable than it was when it was a garden and this could have an impact on properties nearby. The selective trees that have been proposed are native to the area though cherry trees are prone to disease and it would be helpful to beable to identify the dimension of the access. 

There is insufficient material in the amended plans that the driveway will be inadequate, and it would be beneficial for this to be clarified.

It would be essential to request a clause that there must be no additional roof extension in perpetuity and more information on the foul water disposal system. 

It was agreed and RESOLVED that the Parish Council identify that the revised planning application goes some way towards mitigating the previously expressed objections to the development proposal but do have several concerns about some outstanding issues. The Parish Council are no longer objecting yet these issues would benefit from the provision of greater detail, or enhanced limitations within the proposal.

6. Items to be noted for the next meeting



Meeting Closed at 8.05pm