February 2025 Minutes
Sturton by Stow Parish Council met on Wednesday 5th February 2025 in the Old Schoolroom.
The meeting started at 7.30pm
Meeting Chaired by Cllr Cook.
Present: Parish Clerk, Cllr. Holtby Cllr. S. Christie, Cllr. C. Christie, Cllr Talor, Cllr Hawke, County Councillor Cllr Butroid, District Councillor Cllr Mullally, Leader of the Council Cllr Young, Deputy Leader of the Council Cllr Rollings and 6 members of the public.
Cllr Cook welcomed everybody to the February 2025 meeting
1. Recording of the meeting.
It was noted that no one was recording the meeting.
2. Apologies
Cllr Hoyland and Cllr Capuano
3. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Holtby declared a financial interest in item 12a i) Salaries and an interest in agenda item 30) Clerk to report staff appraisals. Cllr Holtby will abstain from voting when agenda item 12a) is being discussed and will leave the meeting when item 30 is discussed.
4. Meeting opened to the public.
A member of the public highlighted a concern with vehicles parking on the zig zag lines and pavement near the pedestrian crossing. This makes it difficult for her to pass on her motorised scooter due to lack of space. Upon challenging the drivers, the resident reported back to the council that the majority are usually apologetic and state that they were not aware they were not supposed to park on the zig zag lines although others when challenged, do not seem to care.
The resident underlined that on many occasions the driver of the vehicle is waiting for their passenger who is shopping in the co-op yet chooses to not utilise the car park.
The public agreed that almost daily many motorists choose to park on the zig zag lines. When challenged some have become very aggressive.
At 7.34pm Cllr Butroid shared that this issue has been raised recently, and he had spoken to the police whom would like LCC to manage the enforcement of fines. LCC do have parking enforcement and are investigating delegating powers to issue fixed fines. He states for now this is a police matter and if you are comfortable with taking a photo of the vehicle you can report it on the police website. He highlighted that on the website it does ask if you can certify that you have taken the photo and would attend court which some people may not be comfortable with.
Cllr Rollings introduces herself and Cllr Young from WLDC who are accompanying Cllr Mullally due to her concerns about the flooding in Sturton by Stow. She stated that she has been meeting with Chairs and Parish Council for the 18 months within West Lindsey.
She discussed that whilst improving buildings in Gainsborough and particularly the market square some motorists choose to park their vehicles in the market square which is in fact a no parking area. WLDC does not have the power to issue tickets, only the police can do this.
Cllr Young stated that WLDC has a good relationship with the Police Inspector Mike Head. Cllr Young assured the public that he will raise these issues with Mike Head and by working together with the Police, LCC, WLDC and Parish Council he is sure we can come to a solution.
Cllr Cook asked if it would be beneficial for the Parish Council to send a formal letter to the police Inspector outlining the issues. Cllr Young agreed that if the Parish Council can provide key information of dates and times that vehicles are parking on the zig zag lines this would be beneficial.
Cllr Rollings stated that there are on going discussions with various enforcements within WLDC. It has been suggested to send letters through doors notifying the driver that their vehicle has been spotted parking on the zig zag lines as this could help as a deterrent until further action is taken. She added that if we cooperate with each other and asked the police for guidance together we can get enforcements in place.
The resident then added that she has observed that the puffin crossing does seem to be slowing down traffic in some cases it seems to speed up traffic as they can see from a distance that the light is on green and are eager to get passed before it changes as pedestrians are approaching the crossing.
Cllr Cook thanked the resident for raising her concerns and stated that the PC will send a formal letter to the Police Inspector regarding the parking on the zig zag lines and continue to monitor the speed of the traffic.
At 7.45pm another member of the public stated the importance that both of the issues raised by the previous resident where addressed. One being the parking on the zig zag lines and the other being vehicles parking with two wheels across the pavement making the area difficult for pedestrians to pass by.
Cllr Cook assured the resident that both concerns will be mentioned in the letter and noted in the minutes by the clerk. He emphasised that speeding through the village is a primary concern and that it is an issue raised by many Parish Councils in the area.
At 7.46pm a resident shared that whilst Anglian Water was visiting her home on the 30/1/25 Stow pumping station pumped water to Sturton by Stow 129 times. She stated her concerns that when you add this statistic with heavy rainfall this is why it has such an impact on the village.
Cllr Cook shared with the public that he has observed that there seemed to be some major sewer clearing going on in Old Rectory Gardens earlier in the week and that it is the line that the main course follows and flows under his extension and has no manhole cover.
The resident stated there is a manhole cover in a front garden on Stow Road.
Cllr Cook accepted that he was not aware of this and when they have completed their maintenance we hope for some feedback.
At 7.47pm Another resident stated that the pipes are not fit for purpose. When building Rectory Park they were told they had to replace the main pipe, which was not carried out.
Another resident agreed stating that the whole disruption has increased her house insurance from £300- £2500.
Cllr Rollings acknowledged the residents’ concerns and stated that in Scotter people are in a similar situation. She declared that it is lack of maintenance and that it is not acceptable. She highlighted that although many villages are being impacted by flooding, there are different reasons for the flooding. She stated that we have The Lead Flood Authority and we have a flood group and together we should beable to improve the impact the flooding is having in the village.
At 7.49pm a resident highlighted that numerous concerns highlighted by the residents need to be considered especially with they are impacted further by planning applications and to take this on board when considering planning applications on the agenda.
At 7.53pm 1 member of the public left the meeting.
Cllr Cook confirmed that planning applications are measured against our Neighbourhood Plan; we agree that the infrastructure is inadequate, and that the parish council is making every effort to address the flooding issue. He added that in regard to planning applications we can only comment. We do not have the authority to refuse planning applications.
Cllr Rollings stated that it is important to be direct and evidence the specific causes of the flooding and collate them together. Cllr Rollings handed out contact details and assured the public and council that they would take all issues that had been raised forward and do as much as they can.
Cllr Cook thanked the Cllrs from WLDC and Cllr Butroid for their contributions and to the public for raising their concerns.
The meeting was closed to the public at 7.55pm.
Cllr Rollings and Cllr Young left the meeting.
5. To approve minutes of previous meeting in January 2025
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the January 2025 minutes with no amendments.
6. To approve minutes of Extraordinary meeting in January 2025
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the January 2025 minutes with no amendments.
7. Matters arising from minutes.
The Clerk stated that a concerned resident of Twitchell who was isolated throughout the recent flooding is concerned about the lack of access for emergency vehicles when both ends of Fleets Road were flooded. He suggested the installation of a stone path from Tillbridge Road through the back of the first field, then along Recreational Field to Fleets Road to create an access point for emergency vehicles and residents.
Cllr Butroid expressed that this would not be a workable solution due to private ownership of the land.
It would be more viable to address how the flooding impacts the village and improve the flooding management.
It was discussed that in an emergency the Ambi-copter would be able to land on the recreational field to access Twitchell or an ambulance via the High Street and the footpath to Twitchell.
Historical photos from 25 years ago showing the High Street flooding as it does today have been shared with the Parish Council.
Thank you to residents for sharing their photos of the flooding they have been shared with the flood risk officer.
A response from Anglian water that the root cause of the issue is due to excess surface water infiltration on the Foul Network. This is a top priority for our Water Recycling Teams as they continuously work on ways to look at this being rectified. Unfortunately, as this is a complicated and ongoing process, we don’t have an expected timeframe for when this will be completed. The Water recycling team have arranged for all Anglian Water assets and outfalls to be checked within the area to ensure they continue to operate as expected. This will be completed within the next four weeks.
All of the remaining sand bags have been distributed into the two sand boxes.
Fix my Street
Clerk reported standing water on Saxilby Road, reported by a resident to fix my street- Action scheduled
Due to a residents concern the clerk has re-reported missing sign at the entrance to Bransby Village from Saxilby Road- investigating
The south gulley at the bottom of The Glebe is flooding at the corner and across the road during heavy rainfall. A job has been scheduled but not completed.
It is disappointing that the blocked gulley on Fleets Road which was reported after the last meeting had been recognised as being block but ‘requires no further action’. The Fix My Street report stated that the gulley has been inspected and acknowledge that this gully/system is blocked, but because it is not causing a serious highway safety or property flooding issue, we will not be ordering work at this time. Thank you for reporting this matter.
State changed to: No further action. The Clerk has forwarded this information to Cllr Butroid for investigation as this area is prone to the worst of the floods and it is paramount that these gulleys are working efficiently.
Cllr Capuano’s co-option forms have been sent to WLDC
Contact was made with LSH Residential via email regarding the fallen trees from a land on Rectory Park. After no response this was followed up with a letter and then with a phone call. Their maintenance man could not locate the trees and had updating them. LSH had failed to notify the PC of this outcome, and the clerk has now issued a map of where the brash remains. It was scheduled to remove the brash by Monday. Cllr S Christie confirmed that the brash still remains on The Glebe.
The LRF community emergency plan training exercise to be scheduled for an evening training session in March.
The clerk issued a press release to update parishioners of outcomes and plan of action following the last meeting. This was shared via social media, the noticeboards and the website. As an outcome of the meeting the purchase of sand bins and sandbags is on the agenda.
The clerk attended a Cilca Introduction Day on the 29th January 1pm-4pm the first day of training commences on the 26th February 10-1 via zoom if the clerk decides to join the course.
Appraisals have taken place, clerk will report back to council in the closed session
Cllr Cook is booked onto the National Planning Policy Framework zoom session on 24th February 2025, 18:00 – 19:00. Cllr Hawke to be booked onto the next available course.
Unfortunately, PC Samatha Key has left the position of Beat Manager. At this point she has not being replaced. PCSO Patchett has moved areas too. We hope the absence will be a temporary and Neighbourhood Policing will be invested in properly.
A report for the Central Lincolnshire Design Code has been prepared following the information gathered from the 6 week public consultation. Link via email to fill out a survey.
National Highways & Transport (NHT) surveys for Councillors and Parish Councils, to ensure we directly capture your feedback on Highways and Transport services in your area. I have circulated the link. You have until the end of February to complete the survey.
A company called Utility Aid has been in touch offering quotes for utilities for Parish Councils. They require bills to use as estimates our usage.
The Internal audit took place yesterday, the report will not be ready until the next meeting.
Clerk to confirm with the Village Hall Committee that the original email has been responded to and paperwork from LRF have their continued permission to use the village Hall as a rest centre facility in case of an emergency in line with the Community Emergency Plan has been completed and returned to the LRF.
Clerk has signed up to a sim only 12-month contract consisting of unlimited calls and text messages with 30gb of data for £8 a month. The contract should begin next month.
The additional fluorescent door sign and evacuation point for the pub carpark signage has arrived. Thank you to Cllr Mullally for the CIF Funding to cover this.
8. Correspondence
The playpark monthly inspection has been circulated electronically.
9. Planning Applications
WL/2024/01024 – 31 Red Roofs – Application has been amended to relocate proposed garden room. New Site Plan provided. It was agreed and RESOLVED to submit a comment that Sturton by Stow Parish Council stand by our previous general observation of having no comment on this planning application
WL/2025/00100 – The Willows 22b Saxilby Road- Planning application for 3no. holiday lodges. It was discussed that the original proposal in 2019 was for two bungalows. With the new application consisting of a house and 3 holiday homes this is essentially 4 dwellings and over developing the site. The impermeable area is now increased and if all holiday lets are occupied at the same time this will add additional stress on the foul water main. The Councillors discussed whether the planning committee considers our Neighbourhood Plan when putting planning applications forward within our village. If approved the Parish Council would request the proviso for the holiday lets not to have a 52 week occupation as to maintain that the dwellings are only used as holiday lets. It was agreed and RESOLVED to object to this planning application.
10. Planning Granted
11. Other planning matters
WL/2024/00100- Land at 31 Tillbridge Road
It was discussed that due to the uncertainty to whether an extension of time request had been approved an Extraordinary meeting had taken place since the last meeting to enable the council to submit a comment regarding application land at 31 Tillbridge Road Full comments are available to view on West Lindsey planning portal. The Parish Council was eventually notified that the extension was granted until the 7th February. A further 23 documents have been submitted two days prior to the closing date. It was agreed and RESOLVED that the Parish Council stands by its previous observations and object to this planning application due to insufficient time to make a constructive comment. The clerk has requested a further extension of time.
At 8.34pm 5 public left the meeting
At the Chairmans discretion it was agreed to discuss item 15.
To agree a transfer of £10,000 from the savings account to the current account
It was agreed and RESOLVED to transfer £10,000 from the savings account to the current account to facilitate the accounts until the precept is received.
12. Accounts: Online Payments to be authorised
Payments agreed
Salaries-Clerk and expenses/ litter picker/OSR Cleaner/Handyman/PAYE
ii) Ian Moore- Hedge Cutting Contract 24/25 £1,110 including VAT
iii) Pelican Trust-Newsletter £116 no VAT
b) Payments to be agreed
c) Direct Debits paid
Multidata £58.75 (January)
British Gas Lite- Village Green (X)
British Gas Lite- OSR £27.90 including VAT
ID Mobile £25.80 including VAT
Wave- Anglian Water £49.63 no VAT
Charge Card- (£38.55) including £3 Charge fee, £5.49 ink subscription, £2.75 Office Supplies, £24.32 Fire Safety signs and £2.99 Bin bags
d) Monies received
January Multidata reimbursement £58.75
OSR Hire £10 Stow Church
QRT 2 Post Office OSR Hire £120
QRT 3 Post Office OSR Hire £130
Village Hall Ground rent 2024 £1
CIF Funding £50 (for fire safety signs and flooding supplies)
LCC ERROR- £28,650.00
e) Bank Fees
Multi Charge Card monthly charge £3 included within charge card total
Monthly bank fee £6
Bank Transfer: £10,000 from Savings Account (N-U-S/A) to Current Account (N-U-C/A)
N-U-C/A £41,482.85 N-U-D/A £1,345.31 N-U-S/A £27,106.23
13. To agree February 2025 accounts summary –circulated
British Gas Lite has requested for the Parish Council to accept the previous contractors closing figures to resolve the issue as the numbers are within a reasonable ratio to adjust. Upon speaking with the previous contractor British Gas the clerk informed them that doing so would generated a £244.43 invoice.
This has been escalated to the complaints department as they can see the paperwork is correct.
British Gas Lite are visiting the OSR on the 26th February to replace the smart reader 10-12am.
The £10,000 to be transferred to the current account will help to facilitate the accounts until the precept is received in April.
An error of £28,650.00 has been paid into our account, hopefully this issue will be resolved and reclaimed soon. It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the February 2025 accounts.
14. To agree bank reconciliation
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the electronic bank reconciliation produced by the Clerk on the account summary sheet. Cllr S Christie to complete hard copy of bank reconciliation after the meeting.
15. To agree a transfer of £10,000 from the savings account to the current account
Agenda item already discussed.
16. To discuss relocation of sand bin from the High Street to Stow Road
It was agreed and RESOLVED to relocate the sand bin from the entrance of Bradshaws to near the bench on Stow Road.
17. To discuss and agree the purchase of an additional sand bin/s using CIL money –
Glasdon Nestor 400 - £248.45plus VAT (£298.14 including VAT, £15 +VAT delivery and £18.99 for ground fixings)
It was agreed and RESOLVED to purchase an additional sand bin using CIL money to be positioned near the metal bus stop on Saxilby Road to serve Queensway and Saxilby Road residents.
18. To agree to purchase sandbags up to a cost of £100 for (250 approx.) and discuss adding shovels to the sand bins.
It was discussed that the last of the sandbags have been distributed into the sand bins and the stock needed replenishing. Councillors expressed concern that providing shovels in the sand bins might encourage ASB. It was agreed and RESOLVED purchase 250 sandbags using CIL money and to notify residents during storms to take shovels when requiring sand from the bins.
19. To discuss suggested works highlighted from the playpark reports
The playpark reports were discussed and works summarised. Clerk to collect quotes for replacing the grass/safety matting in the village hall playpark, pressure washing all three playparks, removing the low rotator in Allan Close playpark.
Clerk to liaise with Mr Bruce regarding monitoring of bushes and chains on the village hall swing sets and to make a note of the time of inspection on the monthly inspection sheets.
Clerk to issue works to the handyman.
Cllr Holtby to gather quotes for emergency signs.
It was noted that the low rotator in Allan Close playpark was inspected and reported as in need of maintenance The maintenance it requires is not feasible when it is reported as having an expectancy of 1-3 years.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to have the low rotator removed and the grass reinstating, for the clerk to action works for the handyman and gather quotes for contracted works for the next meeting.
20. To purchase a new combination padlock for the village hall playpark gates- cost up to £25 Cllr Taylor to locate a replica padlock
It was agreed and RESOLVED to purchase a replacement padlock to facilitated locking the gate in an open position to eliminate finger trapping at the Village Hall play park. Cllr Taylor to source replica padlock.
21. To agree and discuss organising a Co-op community, clean up event
It was agreed and RESOLVED to organise another Co-op community clean up event to help with painting the equipment in the village hall playpark. Proposed date Saturday 29th March 2025 9am-1pm.
Clerk to liaise with the Co-op representative.
22. To discuss and agree to propose a painting project to the national probation service
It was agreed and RESOLVED to nominate the Allan Close Playpark as a community payback project. Clerk to facilitate this.
23. To discuss internal audit report
The Internal Audit meeting highlighted that a table within the Code of Conduct on the website is disfigured and amending, the website address needs to be added to the Publication Scheme document, the most recent AGAR documents ideally need to be stored with the rest, recently adopted policies need to be uploaded onto the website and there has been an amendment to standing order 18 with needs revising. The full report will be available to discuss at the next meeting.
24. To agree to allocate the July 24 extra full grass cut to March 25
It was agreed and RESOLVED allocate the extra grass cut to March 25. Clerk to inform grass contractor.
25. Reports from local organisation.
Village Hall- The spotlights that are incandescent and a storage heater which is not working are going to be removed. The stage floor is due to be re-painted and floors near the emergency doors need replacing. The February market had a better turn out than expected.
Men in Sheds Club – The 3rd cabin has arrived; the electricity has been installed and the kitchen units have arrived. Phase 4- Installing the Canopy will soon commence to allow the members to work outside undercover.
Jubilee Wood – The scheduled work party went ahead. 5 people attended and the paths have been cut back and are now clear. Hopefully another party will take place before the end of February.
26. General maintenance in the Parish
At 9.40pm the Clerk asked Cllr Butroid if there was any news regarding the TRO Consultation to change the existing 40mph to 30mph on the northern end of Stow Road. Cllr Butroid responded that he would check for an update.
Cllr S Christie asked if there was an update regarding the accumulating water outside of the Bradshaws entrance.
Cllr Butroid informed the council that to his knowledge the LCC have made alterations to the area. Cllr S Christie assured him that area remains the same.
Cllr Butroid highlighted that LCC had taken responsibility for the maintenance of the Twitchell footpath and trees within the footpath. Cllr Butroid will request this in writing for the Parish Councils records.
The meeting closed to Cllr Butroid at 9.45pm
Cllr Taylor reported a blocked gulley on the High Street, Clerk to report.
Cllr Cook proposed that we collaborate with Stow Parish Council, as both of our areas are affected by flooding and we share the Neighbourhood Plan. He suggested that by working together, we may have a greater impact when engaging with agencies in a cross-party meeting to discuss infrastructure, mitigations and solutions.
It was discussed that the property next door to the Village Hall Playpark may be re-establishing their border since the tree works have taken place making the space behind the trees smaller.
27. Update on Solar Farms
The open floor hearings for Tillbridge Solar took place in January.
West Burton Solar Farm has been passed
At 9.50 pm Cllr Mullally highlighted that WL/2024/00662 Planning application for the installation and operation of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) with ancillary infrastructure and landscaping and biodiversity enhancements at Willingham by Stow has been declined and that on the 20th March Cottam tower is going to be demolished.
28. Items to be noted for the next meeting
Clerks appraisal with HR Committee to be discuss in closed session at the next meeting
Quotes for playpark works
29. To agree to go into closed session. To discuss staff appraisal. If agreed press and public will be asked to leave.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to go into closed session. At 9.52pm the public and Cllr Holtby were asked to leave and closed session commenced.
30. Clerk to report staff appraisals
The Clerk shared the report from the Litter pickers appraisal. The litter picker fulfils her role and keeps the village looking presentable. It was noted that a new litter picker was required and if it would be possible to obtain a lightweight trolley to carry the litter in.
The litter picker had suggested a bin along the footpath at the back of the school as litter is accumulating in the ditch. Litter has also been blown been from the school playground and caught in the fence. The Litter picker is going to liaise with the school for another litter picking session.
The Clerk shared the report from the OSR Cleaners’ appraisal. The OSR fulfils her role and the OSR always looks clean and presentable. The OSR Cleaner has identified potential damp behind the toilet in the OSR. Clerk to liaise with a plumber to investigate.
Meeting closed a 10.00pm. Smoke alarm tested and passed.