Extraordinary February 2024 Meeting
An Extraordinary Meeting of Sturton by Stow Parish Council was held on Friday 16th February 2024 in the Old Schoolroom. Meeting started at 7.30pm.
Meeting chaired by Cllr Cook. Present: Parish Clerk, Cllr Hoyland, Cllr Taylor, Cllr Hawke and 10 members of the public.
Cllr Cook welcomed everybody to the Extraordinary February 2024 Meeting.
1. Recording of Meeting
It was noted no one was recording meeting.
2. Apologies
Apologies: Cllr C Christie, Cllr S Christie, and Cllr Holtby
3. To receive declarations of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
4. Meeting opened to the public 7.31pm.
Cllr Cook read out a statement of support that had been e-mailed in the residents’ absence from the meeting.
My family has lived in Sturton for more than 25 years now. During this time, we have seen the volume of traffic increase dramatically. The construction of more large houses within and out of Sturton has impacted the village directly. This additional increase is already noticed.
Crossing Tillbridge Road is a nightmare. Even using the tactile crossing, it is fraught with danger, since inconsiderate and idiotic drivers insist on parking either on the crossing or very near it, making the visibility non-existent unless you walk into the road (often between parked cars) in order to see. It is beyond time that residents have a safe place to cross this busy road.
My family and I fully support this crossing and urge Parish Council to do the same.
At 7.32pm a resident highlighted concerns on how the parking restrictions around the proposed puffin crossing would affect the shops deliveries. He highlighted that within the revised drawing the crossing has been moved to the dropped kerbs and feels the zig zag lines should now be able to be shortened causing less impact to the shop. The resident also raised awareness to a camera on the top of a post located near the village green and enquired if it was to do with monitoring speed. The resident stated that he uses the village shop for unusual magazines and it is an asset to the village that has a lot to offer and has to object to the crossing as in his opinion the location of the crossing will affect the business.
Another resident expressed views of the speed of traffic coming along Marton/Tillbridge Road and a crossing would be dangerous. He questioned whether a speed camera, mini roundabout of traffic lights could be used as an alternative.
A third resident raised concerns that the proposed alternatives look dangerous and hoped the Parish Council and LCC were easing towards a compromise with alternative measures in place. He questioned the back log of traffic around the crossing when it is in use and that those unaware of the crossing will simply continue to speed through and cause an accident.
At 7.35pm Cllr Butroid informed the residents that the camera was ANPR camera for vehicle identification. He informed the residents that the road does not meet the criteria for a speed camera and that one wouldn’t keep pedestrians safe.
He stated that the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership surveyed the road to take into consideration double yellow lines, average speed cameras and pushing the speed limit further out of the village. Apart from the yellow lines and the proposed puffin crossing there is nothing else available.
The crossing will be controlled by traffic lights and with the zig zag lines in place there will be a clear line of sight for a good distance to expose the crossing on coming motorists. The area has been thoroughly checked for all aspects of safety or it wouldn’t have met the criteria.
He highlighted to the residents that he questioned the length of the zig zag lines multiple times and has once again raised this with the designer. It has been conveyed back to him as a standard length however he will continue trying to get them shortened.
Another resident raised concerns for the deliveries for the shop and parking for passers-by that call into the shop and questioned whether the Co-op car parking could be shared.
Two residents claimed how the crossing will affect village life and the Tillbridge Tastery with less parking in and around the area due to the restrictions and the crossing in place. It was asked for clarification to whether to Co-op Car park could be used for parking to access the shop and Tillbridge Tastery.
A resident agreed that although in between a staggered junction it has been the natural path for residents for 25/30 years. He questioned irresponsible parking that takes place outside the co-op despite the yellow lines being in place and asked if a bollard would be put in place to deter parking on the pavement.
Another resident queried whether signed loading time restrictions could be implemented to aid deliveries to the shop.
At 7.45pm Cllr Butroid informed the residents that if we decline the proposed crossing, we will not be offered the chance again and traffic volumes are not going to decrease. He was happy to address the possibility of restricted loading times for deliveries with the LCC.
Cllr Butroid noted the amount of support in the room for the village businesses and stated that contrary to the Highway Code motorists should not be parking near the junctions.
He declared that the pub had been collided with twice due to the turning circles of HGV’S, tractors accessing Saxilby Road and struggle to do so with cars parked outside the shop.
We do not meet the criteria for traffic lights or a mini roundabout.
A resident questioned that if the proposed crossing goes ahead whether the original carpark in front of Tillbridge Tastery could be reinstated the as this could provide additional parking for both the Tillbridge Tastery and the Village shop.
It was noted by the Parish Council that it was pressure from the locals was the reason why this area was removed as youths used to park up cars but it is something that could be looked into if the crossing goes ahead.
At 7.52pm Cllr Cook thanked the residents for their input and closed the meeting to the public and stated that the Parish Council aim to help the village be successful and safe.
At 7.52pm one member of the public left.
5. To discuss the revised documents for the Proposed Puffin Crossing and agree to send a letter of support or objection.
Cllr Cook informed the Councillors that the consideration must be long term and the desired line proposed for the crossing is the route to be used. Mitigations raised can be suggested for consideration to the LCC.
It was discussed that Parish Council has been in pursue of a crossing since 1989. It is an opportunity that has been made available to aid the safety of pedestrians in the village.
The proposed location captures the highest pedestrian footfall and crossing point across the very busy A1500. This would be a massive improvement in safety for pedestrians of all ages and abilities. This will also help and support traffic calming measures within the village as speeding on the A1500 through the village is a major issue.
The installation of a puffin crossing aligns with the Sturton by Stow and Stow Neighbourhood Plan and the commitment to promoting safe and accessible environments for all.
It will not only facilitate a secure pedestrian crossing but should also positively impact the overall traffic flow and road safety measures within Sturton by Stow. The Councillors noted that the installation of the crossing meets policies 1,7,8, and 15 within the Neighbourhood Plan. A crossing would give safer access to facilities such as the business, playparks, school, children’s centre and youth club as well as open up access to Bransby Horses via the fields.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to support in principle. The Parish Council will send a letter of support which will include the additional considerations for mitigation of the shortening of the zig zag lines, restrictions for unloading to help deliveries continue and if successful to investigate reinstating the parking spaces near Tillbridge Tastery.
It was also highlighted to make communication with the Co-op regarding using their car park when accessing The Tillbridge Tastery or the shop.
Meeting Closed at 8.04pm