December 2024 Minutes

Sturton by Stow Parish Council met on Wednesday 4th December 2024 in the Old Schoolroom.
The meeting started at 7.31pm
Meeting Chaired by Cllr Cook. 
Present: Parish Clerk, Cllr Taylor, Cllr. S. Christie, Cllr. C. Christie, Cllr Hawke, Cllr Hoyland and Cllr Butroid
Cllr Cook welcomed everybody to the December 2024 meeting
1. Recording of the meeting.
It was noted that no one was recording the meeting.
2. Apologies 
Cllr. Holtby
3. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Hoyland declared a financial interest in item 12a i) Salaries. Cllr Hoyland will abstain from voting when this item is discussed.
Cllr S Christie declared an interest in agenda items 15) To discuss grass tender and agree a contractor 25/26 and 16) To discuss hedge tenders and agree a contractor 25/26.
Due to preparing both documents and conducting site visits Cllr S Christie will remain neutral and will abstain from voting when these items are discussed
4. Meeting opened to the public.
At 7.33pm the meeting was opened to the public. 
Cllr Butroid provided an update regarding the Twitchell Footpath. The LCC are responsible for the trees within the footpath. The trees have been inspected and are deemed as safe.  Cllr Butroid has requested this in writing for the Parish Councils records. Cllr Butroid recommends rescheduling the site visit with the LCC for clarification on maintenance of the footpath and whether this includes clearing the debris.
Cllr Taylor express his gratitude to Cllr Butroid for the smoothing and levelling out of the newly installed pedestrian crossing. The area looks very orderly and the button to change the lights is very efficient with the changing of the lights. Cllr Butroid highlighted that some vehicles are still parking on the zig zag lines and Cllr Hawke added that vehicles still park on the pathway outside of the co-op next to the crossing. Cllr Butroid suggested that installing some railings on the co-op side of the crossing would help to resolve the problem of vehicles parking in this area if needed. 
He stated that he has been in touch with the police regarding parking on the zig zag lines and the area is being monitored. The police could enforce 3 points or a £100 fine to motorists parking on the zig zag lines. 
The clerk suggested highlighting this in the next issue of the newsletter to inform the public of the enforcements linked to parking on the zig zag lines. Zig-zag lines are painted on the road to ensure that pedestrians have a clear line of sight and can be seen by oncoming vehicles. This is especially important in areas with lots of children, who are less visible to drivers. 
Cllr S Christie highlighted a concern regarding the installation of the new trench and gulley outside of the Bradshaws new entrance. He had photographic evidence of the area still retaining water during and after rain fall. He stated that the water forms a puddle away from the gulley provided to help the water drain away. 
Cllr Butroid asked Cllr S Christie to forward on the photos to him so that he can share them with the relevant department and get the issue resolved. 
Cllr Taylor asked Cllr Butroid if there was legislation against the burning of building supplies on a bonfire. Cllr Butroid suggested contacting environmental health to raise the concern. 
Cllr Butroid highlighted that some residents have requested a time extension of the streetlights now the darker nights have begun. He queried what time the streetlights go out to whether the request has been actioned. Cllr Hoyland confirmed that the lights go out around 11.50pm. 
The Council thanked Cllr Butroid for his updates and the meeting closed to the public at 7.44pm
5. To approve minutes of previous meeting in November 2024
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the November 2024 minutes with no amendments.
6. Matters arising from minutes. 
Fix my Street
Clerk reported the standing water on Saxilby Road, highlighted by a resident at a recent meeting to fix my street- Action scheduled
Missing sign at the entrance to Bransby Village from Saxilby Road- Status changed to investigating 
The south gulley at the bottom of The Glebe is flooding at the corner and across the road during heavy rainfall. A job has been scheduled but not completed.
Clerk has reported the last stretch of hedging on Saxilby Road leading out of the village to the footpath on Fix my Street with the relevant details. It was highlighted to the clerk by a resident.  LCC has spoken to the homeowner about maintenance. Hopefully this will soon take effect 
Household litter and a car seat was dumped in the Tillbridge Road to Kisgate Footpath. This was reported to Fix my Street by the resident. The PC litter picker checked the area, and the litter was cleared away by WLDC in a few days. 
Cllr Taylor highlighted to the clerk that a streetlight was out between the High Street and Twitchell. Clerk reported to Fix my Street and the matter has been resolved.
Work for the crossing is complete. There has been positive feedback on social media. The crossing doesn’t seem to have impacted on the flow of traffic when in use.
Parish Council needs to re connect with both Anglian Water regarding the representation made inadequate sewage system and drainage and highlighting concerns to West Lindsey District Council as suggested by the Environmental Agency if still a concern. Cllr Hawke highlighted some statistics 
From The Rivers Trust Website- 2023 Sturton works - storm overflows occurred 63 times for 709.75h into Sturton beck and thence the Till.
Upstream at Willingham - storm overflows occurred 94 times for 1125h directly into the Till.
It was noted that more built development will only add to this pressure. Cllr Cook to devise a letter to question how Anglian Water can claim that the sewage system and drainage has capacity for more development and to ask for evidence to support their claim. Also to ask direct questions regarding specific areas within the village that are prone to flooding.
The Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership should beable to advise on any additional measures that could be taken by the Parish Council in relation to the Community Speed Watch. Representation made regarding a 40mph buffer coming into the village on Marton Road did not reach the criteria. Cllr Hawke highlighted that a Lincolnshire Road Safety black box has been installed on Marton Road. 
At 7.50pm Cllr Butroid added that the black box will be monitoring speed and collecting data. 
Cllr Cook to summarise and report back to Cllrs the National Planning Policy Framework teams meeting and circulate via e-mail.
The Village Hall playpark tree maintenance is to take place Friday 6th December. Notice of closure will be displayed for Friday 6th December and Saturday 7th December via social media and a notice on the playpark gate.
Mr Bruce has liaised with the LRF regarding a training exercise for an evening session in January for extra training.
The draft precept has been submitted. The final figure needs to be submitted before the 24th January 2025
The Chairman attended the Remembrance Day service at Thorpe in The Fallows War Memorial. Wreath paid for on the charge card.
The Sturton by Stow Remembrance Service took place in the churchyard extension. Thank you to all those involved. There was a good turnout of around 35 people at the service and approximately 28 joined the Parish Councillors for refreshments in the village Hall after the ceremony. Many Thanks to the bugler was playing at the event and Rev Jane for conducting the ceremony. 
All grant applicants have been notified of their awarded amounts. Acknowledgment and thanks given from FOSSA, Men in Sheds and Youth Club.
The Microsoft Office 365 subscription has been renewed.
The post office has been notified about increased hire charges taking effect from the April 2025.
The Christmas trees will be delivered on Friday 6th December. Cllr Taylor and Cllr Cook to assist with delivery. Available Parish Councillors to install the village tree at 9am on the Saturday 7th December with the help of Mr Tindall and Mr Timmins and his teleporter. Cllr Taylor to distribute the smaller trees and speak with the new shop owner regarding displaying the tree and the storage of the flagpole. 
The Christmas light switch on will take place on the Saturday 7th December 2024 at 4 o’clock. Rev Jane Foster-Smith will switch on the lights and will arrive at 3.45pm. The Tastery have been in touch regarding refreshments which is very much appreciated. The school choir will be singing. Clerk has obtained a song sheet and made copies for residents.
A handful of addresses have been put forward for the Christmas Light Display Competition on Saturday 14th December 2024 from 7pm. Clerk has put a reminder on social media. Ms Sneath Vice Chair of Scampton PC and a colleague will be judging the Xmas lights competition. Cllr C Christie volunteered to chauffeur. 
Grass/Hedge Tenders have been received from 5 contractors. Cllr Taylor highlighted that the north side of village hall front car park hedge is unmarked on the map. There is a concern that the text may not be clear enough of the inclusion of the north hedge in the front car park and therefore may not be included in the tenders. It was decided that when a contractor has been agreed, if required and additional amendment can be made to include the front car park hedge as per previous years.
Saxilby PC are querying the whereabouts of a jointly purchased Speed Indicator Device that was purchased jointly between them and ourselves a few years ago. Councillors have helped with information that the device wasn’t as expected when purchased alongside Saxilby with Ingleby Parish Council. After it’s purchase the PC were advised that it is not a piece of equipment that should be handled by the public and had to be positioned and charged by the police. The SID spent most of its time with Saxilby and Ingleby Parish Council. All information which has been passed onto the Saxilby Clerk to investigate further. 
Cllr S Christie has drawn up a S106 information document outlining the origins and expenditure of S106 monies.
The clerk has signed up to the Cilca Introduction Day 29th January 1pm-4pm free of charge with LALC. 
The playpark annual inspection has taken place complete with life expectancy report. This is on the agenda to be discussed 
7. Correspondence received
Christmas Card from Ian Moore Contracting. All other correspondence has been received electronically. The clerk with circulate the playpark monthly inspection sheet electronically when has been received.
8. Planning Applications
9. Planning Granted 
Application WL/2024/00684- Bransby Home of Rest for Horses- Planning application for the siting of converted container to be used for multiple purposes.
Application WL/2024/00743- 8 Upper- Proposal: Planning Application for Conversion of garage and alterations to dwelling.
10. Other planning matters
The clerk contacted the planning department as requested by the Council regarding two outstanding planning applications
WL/2024/00100- Land at 31 Tillbridge Road - The application is still under consideration. The planning officer is waiting on additional information from the applicant. There is currently no time frame or deadline of when the additional information has to be submitted. When all of the information is received, the application will be re-consulted on. 
A resident has also contacted the clerk regarding this planning application who has been approached by many residents residing on Eastfield and Upper Close, who are becoming anxious over the length of time it is taking to come to a decision on this project.
I have updated the resident with the most recent information. Cllr Mullally also e-mailed contacts from WLDC who advised to direct any queries directly to the planning department.
WL/2024/00395 -Land at Barker Farm- The planning officer informed the clerk that an extension of time was agreed with the agent for the application until 31st January 2025. This is to allow the agent to review the decision on the West Burton NSIP which is now due on 24th January.
The raised concern regarding a building under construction in Rectory Park and the possibility of a ditch inspection hatch being covered was highlighted WLDC planning. The officer has visited the property and there is now an infill manhole cover in place so that access can be gained should it be required. Whilst the officer was on site, she noted that the outbuilding has been constructed in accordance with Permitted Development Rights, which means planning permission is not required. 
Cllr Butroid left the meeting at 8.23pm
11. To agree cost of £481.20 including VAT for Christmas Trees
This council is relying on powers provided under S137 of the local government act 1972.
12. Accounts: Online Payments to be authorised 
Payments agreed    
The Play Safety Inspection Company- £354 including VAT
Payments to be agreed (None)
Direct Debits paid          
Multidata £58.75 (November)
British Gas Lite- Village Green (X)
British Gas Lite- OSR £27.06 including VAT
ID Mobile £25.80 including VAT
Charge Card- (£78.48) including £3 Charge fee, £5.49 ink subscription, £59.99 Microsoft 365 Office renewal subscription and £10.00 RBL Donation.
d) Monies received           
November Multidata reimbursement £58.75 
Indemnity Claim British Gas Lite Village Green- £244.43 including VAT
Indemnity Claim British Gas Lite Village Green- £412.88
e) Bank Fees                   
Multi Charge Card monthly charge £3 included within charge card total
Monthly Bank Fee £6 
f) Bank Transfers
£27,032.37 former NS & I savings to Instant Access Savings account 
£10,000 S106 not reinvested into the 1-year investment bond has been transferred to the instant access savings account 
N-U-C/A £8,595.64                     N-U-D/A £924.98                      N-U-S/A £37,032.37         
13. To agree December 2024 accounts summary –circulated
It was noted that the Multi data fee has increased.
The £6 bank fee monthly charges to replace the £18 quarterly charge has taken effect.
The clerk received the incorrectly charged funds back from British Gas Lite via indemnity claims as advised. The clerk has also stopped the direct debits to stop future incorrect payments as advised by British Gas Lite and requested from the PC. The account is under investigation to obtain the closing figures from the previous contract, the process that could take 6-7 weeks. 
The clerk has received correspondence from British Gas Lite regarding the issue receiving payments as they have attempted to take further funds since the blocked direct debits. The clerk has updated British Gas Lite and the situation and the matter is resolved.
It was also noted that British Gas are still trying to resolve the smart meter in the OSR as it is 
still failing to send meter readings from the OSR. This has been ongoing for a few months and British Gas Lite are trying to resolve the issue remotely. It was agreed and RESOLVED to contact British Gas Lite and request that they come and inspect the meter. Clerk will continue to send the meter readings manually.
The agreed former £27,032.37 NS & I savings and S106 £10,000 not reinvested has been transferred to the instant access savings account with the current bank.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the December 2024 accounts.
14. To agree bank reconciliation 
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the electronic bank reconciliation produced by the Clerk on the account summary sheet. Cllr S Christie to complete hard copy of bank reconciliation after the meeting. 
15. To discuss grass tenders and agree a contractor 25/26
Tenders were received from 4 contractors who each submitted a grass tender form enabling them to be compared like for like. It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the quote and assign the grass cutting contract to Ian Moore Contracting for the year 25/26. Clerk to inform all contractors of the outcome. Cllr S Christie abstained from voting.
16. To discuss hedge tenders and agree a contractor 25/26
Tenders were received from 4 contractors who each submitted a hedge tender form enabling them to be compared like for like. It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the quote and assign the hedge cutting contract to Ian Moore Contracting for the year 25/26. Clerk to inform all contractors of the outcome. Cllr S Christie abstained from voting.
17. To discuss playpark inspection reports and summarise works if required 
The playpark inspection reports were briefly discussed. It was agreed and RESOLVED that in order to go thoroughly discuss the reports a meeting solely on the playpark inspection reports and to summarise any works if needed would take place on 22nd January. The PC asked the clerk to share the inspection reports with Mr Bruce who conducts the monthly playpark reports to support the routine checks.
18. To agree to an automatic renewal process with the play inspection company for annual playpark inspections 
It was agreed and RESOLVED to not enter an automatic renewal agreement with the play inspection company and to leave options open for next year’s playpark annual inspection. It was requested to ask if discount is applied to future inspections.
19. To discuss projects for next year 25/26 
The clerk informed the PC that she had been contacted by the CIL Department at WLDC regarding the balance of CIL funds that the PC holds. The clerk received a phone call from the CIL department who was contacting those with a larger amount of CIL to enquire about future CIL funded projects. The Clerk informed WLDC of the potential projects that have been discussed for next year.
The clerk highlighted previous ideas of projects that had been previously mentioned such as the gate post which was fixed at Jubilee Wood was inspected on the annual walkabout by Cllr Hawke and noted that it had limited life but not in critical need of replacement. 
Bins to be installed next to bus shelters (particularly on Saxilby Road) the litter picker had reported litter on several occasions being left in and behind bus shelters. CIL money could be used £80 plus vat per bin. Unfortunately, they would not fit in the bus shelter unless a pole was installed and would have to be installed on the bus stop pole if allowed.
Sand bin to be installed on Saxilby Road to support residents with flooding. CIL money could be used to fund this project.
The safety matting in the playpark needs levelling out underneath various pieces of equipment. A contractor called Horizons has been recommended by Kompan. Clerk to organise a site visit for an idea or cost. 
Remodelling the Village Green since the installation of the pedestrian crossing.
To produce leaflets showing the various walking routes within the parish including distances and times. The cost of this project would be around £63 for 130 coloured copies. The landlord has offered to help design the leaflet. 
To accompany the walking leaflets an embossed metal larger information map to be positioned on the back of the notice board on the village green. 
The clerk highlighted to WLDC the unsuccessful grant from the national lottery to replace two pieces of equipment. WLDC stated that CIL could be used for play park projects along with other grants from WLDC to help support this.
The CIL department seemed positive that CIL money could be used to fund all or part of these projects. WLDC will be making contact to discover the outcome of the meeting and offer support where needed. 
It was agreed in principle to accept the projects and see where CIL funds could be used. 
20. To discuss and agree final budget figure 25/26 
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the budget 25/26 figure as £46,492.44.
21. To discuss and agree final precept figure 25/26
It was agreed and RESOLVED to agree the final precept 25/26 figure as £41,000. The final precept form was signed accordingly. Clerk to submit to WLDC.
22. To discuss, agree and accept S106 document is drawn up to set out clear guidelines regarding the expenditure of S106 money.
Cllr S Christie has drawn up a S106 document that sets out clear guidelines of the origins, guidelines and expenditure of the S106 money. It was agreed and RESOLVED to adopt the document. Clerk to file with original/copies of S106 agreements to easily identify for future reference.
23. To revisit resolution of displaying minutes on noticed board on the village green.
It was agreed and RESOLVED that due to the multiple pages of the minutes and the difficulty of displaying the minutes in the notice board to leave the resolution unchanged. In line with the Parish Councils standing orders a copy of the minutes on the website is acceptable.
A written reference as to how to obtain the minutes remains displayed on the notice board and it was discussed to add a QR code to the notice board for easier reference to the minute’s availability online. 
A hard copy will be available to view in the OSR on a Thursday afternoon or a copy can be sent through the clerk if contacted via
24. To agree virements of remaining funds from D Day, Grants paid and new trophies to the Parish Council
reserve to enable for these former reserves to be closed.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to make virements of the remaining funds from D Day, Grants paid and new trophies to the Parish Council reserve to enable for these former reserves to be closed.
25. To agree to update Chairman as Programme Administrator alongside the clerk on the charge card. Paperwork
It was noted that when removing the former Chairman from the bank accounts the information was not relayed to the charge card facility that we hold with the bank. On receiving paperwork, it was seen that the former Chairman’s name remained on paperwork.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to update chairman as Programme Administrator alongside the clerk. Documents to be completed and signed according to bank mandate after the meeting with relevant signatories to witness.
26. To discuss and agree xmas vouchers for volunteers 
It was agreed and RESOLVED to increase the Chairman’s allowance to £140 and for the Clerk to purchase £140 multi shop gift vouchers to split across the seven agreed volunteers and reclaim on expenses at the next meeting.  
27. To agree to enter a Grass cutting agreement with Highways or 25/26
It was agreed and RESOVLED to enter a grass cutting agreement with Highways 25/26.
28. To agree whether to postpone January meeting to the 8th January 25
It was agreed and RESOVLED to postpone the January meeting.
29. To agree to pre-authorised salaries to be paid prior to the postponed January meeting (if required)
It was agreed and RESOLVED to pre-authorise the litter picker and OSR cleaner salaries prior to the postponed meeting in January. 
30. To review OSR fire risk assessment 
The OSR Fire risk assessment was discussed and completed. The review highlighted that an additional fluorescent door sign and additional signing for an evacuation point for the pub carpark could be required. Clerk to research fire safety regulations regarding the requirement of an evacuation point. It was agreed and RESOLVED that the OSR Fire risk assessment had been reviewed 
31. To agree and adopt Co-option policy 
It was agreed and RESOLVED to adopt the Co-option Policy. 
32. Reports from local organisation.
Village Hall- The floor maintenance in the village hall has taken place. The Christmas Market is on Saturday 7th December. There will be no market in January and the village hall committee will be discussing the future of further markets at their next meeting.
Jubilee Wood- There is a working party on Sunday 8th December 10am-12 for anybody that would like to help.
33. General maintenance in the Parish
34. Update on Solar Farms
West Burton - All Interested Parties are invited to comment on the information provided in response to the Secretary of State’s requests of 19 September 2024 and 15 October 2024.The deadline for receipt of comments/the information is 9 December 2024
Tillbridge Solar- 14th November deadline 2 for Tillbridge Solar.
10th December deadline 3 for Tillbridge Solar
Open floor hearing scheduled for the 13th January 25
The 7000 Acre Group has been speaking with the BBC regarding a Panorama program that is being made about solar renewable energy infrastructure and how it effects the public and their communities. A number of people from the 7000 Acre group members have spoken to them and the group have supplied them with information regarding the developments proposed for this area. The BBC have also visited the district to get an understanding of the landscape, size, and scale, and again spoke to some of our group members. This tv program is scheduled to go out on the 10th of February. The BBC are visiting the area again on the 11th of December, and they wish to film a group meeting, which is to be held at Glentworth Village Hall, Stoney Lane, Glentworth, DN21 5DF, at 7 p.m. on this date. Everybody is welcome to attend. Measures can be put in place if you do not wish to appear on the program.
35. Items to be noted for the next meeting
Clerk Appraisal due 
Playpark inspection reports deferred to 22/01/2025
Clerk phone contract is ending. Clerk to look at sim card options.
The OSR review highlighted that an additional fluorescent door sign and additional signing for an evacuation point for the pub car park are required.
Cllr Hoyland and Cllr S Christie to inspect the hinge on the village green box when installing the Christmas Tree.
Agreement for LALC internal audit 25/26
Meeting closed at 10.09pm.           Smoke alarm tested and passed.