November 2024 Minutes
Sturton by Stow Parish Council met on Wednesday 6th November 2024 in the Old Schoolroom.
The meeting started at 7.31pm
Meeting Chaired by Cllr Cook.
Present: Parish Clerk, Cllr. S. Christie, Cllr. C. Christie, Cllr Hawke, Cllr Holtby and 3 members of the public.
Cllr Cook welcomed everybody to the November 2024 meeting
1. Recording of the meeting.
It was noted that no one was recording the meeting.
2. Apologies
Cllr. Hoyland and Cllr Taylor
3. To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Holtby declared a financial interest in item 12a i) Salaries, 12a iv) Expenses and 17) Salary review. He also declared an interest in agenda item 15) Men in Sheds grants Cllr Holtby will abstain from voting when these items are discussed.
4. To agree co-option of a new councillor
Mr Capuano introduced himself as being a retired GP of 27 years who has moved to the village from a village near Manchester. He has found Sturton by Stow to be a very welcoming village with a wonderful community spirit and would very much like to be a part of this.
It was noted that to be eligible for a Parish Councillor position a resident must have resided in the Parish for at least 12 months.
It was agreed in principal that the Parish Council would very much like Mr Capuano to join the council but due to eligibility cannot be co-opted until the February meeting. In the meantime, Mr Capuano is welcome to attend meetings as a member of the public and become acquainted with policies and procedures until formally co-opted.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to defer Mr Capuano’s co-option to the February meeting.
5. Meeting opened to the public.
At 7.38pm the meeting was open and closed to the public wish no members of the public wishing to speak
6. To approve minutes of previous meeting in October 2024
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the October 2024 minutes with no amendments.
7. Matters arising from minutes.
Fix my Street
Clerk reported standing water on Saxilby Road, reported by a resident at the last meeting to fix my street- Action scheduled
Bollard on Saxilby Road/Queensway junction that had come away from the ground has been fixed
The damaged post on Fleets Road that had been damaged at the base has been fixed
Due to a residents concern the clerk has re-reported missing sign at the entrance to Bransby Village from Saxilby Road, the status as been changed to investigating
The south gulley at the bottom of The Glebe is flooding at the corner and across the road during heavy rainfall. A job has been scheduled but not completed.
An update has been sent to the homeowner whom previously attended a Parish Council meeting stating ownership for the maintenance of Twitchell surfacing belongs to Highways. A site visit to be scheduled with the LCC to conclude if the ownership for the maintenance includes clearing the debris and tree maintenance.
Stow PC have received their copies of the NP plan and USB stick containing the working documents.
Work for the crossing is almost complete, a road closure notice has been given until the 8/11/24
A resident has reported that lorries are cutting the corners around the Co-op and the village green and questioned whether they could be painted yellow or have bollards installed around these areas.
It was suggested to wait until the installation of the crossing was completed before considering additional measures.
The resident also questioned that the High Street junction would become a stop junction.
LCC has clarified that the High Street junction will remain a give way junction.
Temporary signage did not appear as requested by a resident from The Close/Eastfield who was concerned about the safety of pedestrian’s and speed of traffic using The Close/Eastfield as a rat run whilst the crossing is being installed. It is possible that the process of obtaining the signs would take longer to obtain before no longer being required.
Cllr Mullally sent correspondence for a community matters fund grant and suggested with tackling fuel poverty to hold a winter warm hub, twice a week in the village hall for a couple of hours, tea/coffee and biscuits from November- February. Unfortunately, the application process has closed. If this is different to what the NHS offer at the Monday Wellbeing space, then it will be kept it in mind for next year.
Clerk informed Cllr Mullally that the NHS funded Monday wellbeing space originally began as a warm space ran by volunteers. As it was due to end there was an understanding that there was a need for a social hub and this then evolved and funded by the NHS into what the wellbeing space currently offers.
Parish Council needs to re connect with both Anglian Water regarding the representation made inadequate sewage system and drainage and highlighting concerns to West Lindsey District Council as suggested by the Environmental Agency if still a concern. It was discussed to revisit this area with direct questions regarding specific areas within the village.
The Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership should be able to advise on any additional measures that could be taken by the Parish Council in relation to the Community Speed Watch. Regarding a 40mph buffer coming into the village on Saxilby Road of which a 40mph buffer did not reach the criteria. Cllr Hawke showed an interest as to why the area does not meet the criteria.
The handyman has been clearing the residue on the bus shelters. He suggests putting a translucent film to cover the smears on the three panels which remain on the shelter on Stow Road.
Councillors to inspect the area to see if further maintenance as required at this time.
The gateway has been acknowledged by Torksey Parish Council who have asked for details to install a new gateway in their parish.
The Quaker Ground have given a resident permission to maintain the overgrown trees previously reported.
A nearby resident has kindly spoken to the homeowner about our concerns regarding the branches placed near the ditch on the footpath. The homeowner was unaware and will resolve the issue. Many Thanks to the neighbour for his assistance.
Cllr Hoyland and Cllr Cook have returned and cleaned the memorial. Next year it would be beneficial to seek the War Memorial Trust. Cllr Holtby suggests contacting them in the new year.
Handy man has cleared creeping vegetation from The Glebe.
Stow Church hired the OSR last week and are hiring again in January
A copy of the Closure of file correspondence following registering of the Recreational Ground has been forwarded to the Recreation Field representative.
Cllr Cook to summarise The National Planning Policy Framework teams meeting and report back to Cllrs. Cllr Cook stated that the general understanding that there is the potential for NP to become irrelevant. Cllr Cook will summarise his notes and send via e-mail.
Cllr Cook has chosen the village green Christmas Tree. All trees are now on order. Delivery is scheduled for Friday 6th December. Cllr Tayor volunteered to assist with delivery.
Dyke maintenance at rear of The Glebe & Old Rectory Gardens has taken place and the invoice on the agenda
Thankyou cards sent to NP representatives and have been received with thanks
Hedge and Grass tenders have been advertised, there has been some interest. Cllr S Christie has very kindly conducted a site inspection.
Village Hall playpark, tree maintenance, quote is on the agenda Cllr C Christie has accompanied the clerk to gather quotes.
Mr Bruce has competed a Community Emergency plan survey on behalf on the parish council and liaised with the LRF regarding a training exercise. The next step will involve testing the plan with the PC to validate its effectiveness and alignment with the objectives with a simple tabletop exercise.
Daytime sessions are available in November or Evening Sessions in January for extra training. The session is free of charge. It was decided to take part in an evening session in January. Clerk to liaise with Mr Bruce and the LRF.
A resident contacted the clerk with concern to grass growth after the last cut of the season at the Old Rectory Gardens.
The concern was highlighted to the grass cutter who has returned and re-cut free of charge. This was very much appreciated by the resident and Parish Council.
Unfortunately, we have been unsuccessful with the lottery funding application – The application requires more evidence of community engagement.
Cllr Hoyland has inspected the hinge on the village green box and suggests a new box. Clerk to contact Cllr Butroid for advice. Cllr S Christie volunteered to re inspect with Cllr Hoyland when installing the Christmas tree to see if it is fixable.
The playpark annual inspection has taken place complete with life expectancy report to be discussed next month
The Councillor Initiative funding CIF kindly offered by Cllr Mullally has been received from WLDC for the purchased of x4 plastic poppies and tablecloths for the Remembrance Service.
The clerk managed to obtain 2 more poppies, and a remembrance crosses alongside the donation to the RBL.
Many Thanks to Cllr Holtby who has positioned the poppies for Remembrance period on the village gateways and many thanks to Cllr Mulally for offering the funding for the Remembrance supplies.
Precept forms have arrived. The draft precept needs to be completed and submitted by the 22nd November
A Remembrance Day service at the Thorpe in The Fallows War Memorial.
The date of the service is Monday 11th November and will commence at 10:45am with a bugler sounding the Last Post at 11:00am. Cllr Cook is attending
A resident has highlighted a concern regarding that the path on Saxilby Road towards Bransby. The pathway stretching from the last house to the edge of the village is very narrow because of overgrown foliage. She stated that as this is just before the national speed limit sign, drivers do tend to speed up making using this particular stretch of path quite dangerous for pedestrians who are now being forced to walk nearer to the road. Clerk has reported to Cllr Butroid to see what can be done as the hedge belongs to a homeowner.
Cllr S Christie explained that the piece of land is owned by a house further up Saxilby Road.
8. Correspondence received
A playpark inspection sheet, Clerk and Council direct and a new copy of the Neighbourhood Plan.
9. Planning Applications
10. Planning Granted
Application Number: WL/2024/00712- 31 Red Roofs- Proposal: Single Storey Extension to Rear & Detached Double Garage
11. Other planning matters
Cllr C Christie requested that the clerk contacts the planning department to obtain an update regarding the pending decision of WL/2024/00100- Land at 31 Tillbridge Road.
It was agreed and RESOLVED that the clerk would ask for an update on both long-standing pending decisions of WL/2024/00100- Land at 31 Tillbridge Road and WL/2024/00395 -Land at Barker Farm.
The concern regarding building under construction in Rectory Park and the possibility of a ditch inspection hatch being covered has been highlighted WLDC planning department. Upon following up the report the planning officer has been informed by the resident that an infill manhole cover will be installed to the hatch so access can be gained should it be required; this is going to take place within 14 days. The planning officer will then visit the property to check for compliance of the hatch and check that the outbuilding is within its limitations and does not require planning permission.
12. Accounts: Online Payments to be authorised
Payments agreed
Salaries-Clerk and expenses/ litter picker/OSR Cleaner/Handyman/PAYE
ii) INV 224- Grass cutting (Mid) £306.85 including VAT
iii) INV 229- Grass cutting (Full) £602.05 including VAT
iv) Cllr Holtby Expenses- Large Poppies x4 £20.00 no VAT
v) Mr Deague- Dyke maintenance £100 + VAT
b) Payments to be agreed (None)
c) Direct Debits paid
Multidata £52.93 (October)
British Gas Lite- Village Green - £412.88
British Gas Lite- OSR £13.79 including VAT
Wave- Quarterly Water Charge £45.68
ID Mobile £25.80 including VAT
Charge Card- (£10.67) including £3 Charge fee, £5.49 ink subscription and £2.18 bin bags and NP thank you cards
d) Monies received
October Multidata reimbursement £52.93
LCC Grass cutting agreement £1,932.44
Councillor Initiative Funding £70.00
OSR Hire £7.50
e) Bank Fees
Multi Charge Card monthly charge £3 included within charge card total
Monthly Bank Fee £5.40 in replace of the quarterly bank charge
N-U-C/A £46,325.34 N-U-D/A £924.98 N-U-S/A £0
13. To agree November 2024 accounts summary –circulated
It was noted that the Multi data fee is due to increase.
The bank has sent notification that the £18 quarterly bank charges are to be changed to £6 monthly charges.
The money preserves sheet on the October 24 accounts were labelled incorrectly. Chairman to sign revised money preserves sheet and the figures remain the same.
The clerk has been liaising with British Gas Lite regarding the village green account. The accounts opening figures supplied by British Gas from the previous contract were incorrect.
Due to this an incorrect invoice was generated last month. To rectify the issue British Gas Lite required two photos of the meter taken a week apart to prove usage before consulting the previous supplier to amend opening figures. These have been submitted along with the last invoice from the previous contract proving the amended bill and the correct figures documented by British Gas as the previous contract ended. The account should have been suspended whilst a dispute on opening figures take place. Unfortunately, a further invoice of £412.88 has been generated which should have been avoided.
It may be that it was already in progress.
We been advised of two options; to wait out the process that could take 6-7 weeks and have the money refunded or credited back to the account or raise an indemnity claim with our bank to have the money reversed and cancel the direct debit until the matter has been resolved to stop any further payments being taken. It was agreed and RESOLVED to raise an indemnity claim to claim the monies.
The NALC pay claim has been agreed, back pay for the clerk is on the accounts. It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the November 2024 accounts.
14. To agree bank reconciliation
It was agreed and RESOLVED to accept the electronic bank reconciliation produced by the Clerk on the account summary sheet. Cllr S Christie to complete hard copy of bank reconciliation after the meeting.
15. To discuss and agree Grant amounts.
The importance of supporting the local groups within the parish was discussed. It was noted that £17,000 of grant money was asked for and the more precept asked for from WLDC the more money the homeowner pays. It was agreed to allocate a sum £10,000 to village organisations, which would be approximately 25% of the precept.
Village Hall- It was agreed and RESOLVED to award the Village Hall £1850
Recreational Field- It was agreed and RESOLVED to award the Recreational Field £2600
Youth Club- It was agreed and RESOLVED to award the Youth Club £3100
Men in Sheds- It was agreed and RESOLVED to award the Men in Sheds £1600
Fossa- It was agreed and RESOLVED to award FOSSA £850
16. To agree renewal of Microsoft Office 360 for 1 year £59.99
It was noted that the program for renewal is Microsoft Office 365. It was agreed and RESOLVED to renew the subscription.
17. To discuss, review and agree salaries and hire charges.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to increase the hire charge for the Post Office and/or other commercial business to £15 per week. It was agreed and RESOLVED for other salaries/hire charges to remain unchanged.
18. To discuss and agree final arrangements for Remembrance Day.
Judo will be using the hall until 12.30pm. Cllr C Christie and Cllr S Christie to pick up the key to the village hall from Cllr Taylor at 1.30pm and to set up the refreshments for after the service. The service will take place at the war memorial at the church yard extension and Rev Jane Foster-Smith will perform the service. Mr Justham has the order of service sheets. Cllr Taylor has added the logo to the wreath prior to the service. The bugler has confirmed her attendance and RBL representative will be present to bring the standard.
It was agreed and RESOLVED that Cllr Holtby would lay the wreath and Cllr Taylor to read the names. All refreshments to be dropped off at the village Hall prior to the service. Cllr Mullally will be attending. Clerk to purchase a wreath for Cllr Cook to lay at the Thorpe le Fallows Remembrance Service as agreed at the previous meeting.
19. To discuss and agree final arrangements for the Christmas Light Switch on and the Xmas lights competition.
The Christmas trees will be delivered on Friday 6th December. Cllr Taylor to assist with delivery. Available Parish Councillors to install the village tree at 9am on the Saturday 7th December with the help of Mr Timmins and his teleporter. Clerk to contact Mr Tindall for his assistance. The Christmas light switch on will take place on the Saturday 7th December 2024 at 4 o’clock. Rev Jane Foster-Smith will switch on the lights and will arrive at 3.45pm. The Tastery have been in touch regarding refreshments which is very much appreciated. The school choir will be singing- Clerk to obtain a song sheet.
Unfortunately, the signing up for the Christmas Light Switch on has had no interest.
Clerk to put a reminder on social media. Ms Sneath Vice Chair of Scampton PC and a colleague will be judging the Xmas lights competition on Saturday 14th December 2024 from 7pm. Cllr C Christie volunteered to chauffeur.
At 9.27pm Two members of the public left.
20. To discuss projects for next year 25/26
Various policies have been highlighted such as the gate post which was fixed at Jubilee Wood was inspected on the annual walkabout by Cllr Hawke and noted that it had limited life.
Bins/sack holders on bus shelter (particularly on Saxilby Road) CIL MONEY could be used £80 plus vat per bin. Unfortunately they cannot fit in the bus shelter and would have to be installed on the bus stop pole if allowed.
Sand bin on Saxilby Road.
Matting in the playpark needs levelling out. A contractor called Horizons has been recommended by Kompan.
Remodelling the Village Green
Walking leaflets- Cost of £63 for 130 coloured copies- help offered from the landlord of the pub.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to defer this item until the next meeting once the draft precept has been decided to see which projects could be funded.
21. To discuss budget draft 24/25 and estimated precept amount.
It was noted that the budget draft is for 25/26 not as titled on the agenda.
The budget was discussed, and alterations were made by adding the awarded grants.
Cllr S Christie questioned whether ground maintenance would be needed at Jubilee Wood this year. Cllr Hawke stated work that at present areas can be maintained by volunteers. £1000 was budgeted provisionally for projects and will be agreed at the next meeting. Subject to the grass/hedge tenders to adhere to the draft budget the precept will have an approximate 12% increase. It was agreed and RESOLVED for the clerk to submit the draft precept figure as £41,000.
22. To discuss and agree opening an additional savings account with the current bank and moving an amount up to former £27,032.37 NS & I Savings to a savings account with 2.60% interest with current bank account.
An instant access savings account allows you to put money into the account and transfer it into the current account whenever you need to. It was agreed and RESOLVED to transfer the former £27,032.37 NS & I savings to the savings account with the current bank.
23. To discuss and agree to transfer the £10,000 of S106 money not reinvested from the S106 interest reserve to the savings account with 2.60% interest with current bank account to ring fence for the multi play at The Glebe if required.
It was agreed and RESOLVED to add the £10,000 of S106 not reinvested to the savings account where if not used for the playpark equipment it can be reinvested next year.
24. To discuss quotes for tree maintenance in the village hall playpark (Trees overhanging play equipment and birds are defecating onto the equipment below)
Two quotes were discussed. It was agreed and RESOLVED subject to a site visit to accept the quote for £1440 including VAT from Arbour Woodland and Tree Care.
25. To agree a virement of £1100 from S106 interest to grass and footpaths
It was agreed and RESOLVED that the virement was no longer required.
26. To agree a virement of up to £2500 from playpark to tree works
It was agreed and RESOLVED that this virement was no longer required.
27. To revisit resolution on moving the bus shelter from number 60 Stow Road as this action is no longer required
It was agreed and RESOLVED that the resolution of moving the bus shelter from number 60 Stow Road was no longer required.
28. Reports from local organisation.
Village Hall- The floor maintenance is going to be taking place within the next few weeks.
Jubilee Wood- The first work party is going to take place on 24/11/24.
29. General maintenance in the Parish
Cllr C Christie requested that the handyman removes the trees and cages from The Glebe as the recently planted trees are dead. It was agreed to task the handyman with the job of removing the trees and storing the cages, stakes and pegs for future use.
30. Update on Scampton
It was agreed and RESOLVED to remove this item off future agendas.
31. Update on Solar Farms
Tillbridge Solar Open floor hearing footage can be accessed online. The deadline for submissions closed on the 29/10/24.
32. Items to be noted for the next meeting
It was suggested that a policy is drawn up to set out clear guidelines regarding the expenditure of the Section 106 monies.
Resolution of displaying minutes on noticed board to be revisited
Co-option policy
To discuss playpark inspection reports
Meeting closed at 9.59pm. Smoke alarm tested and passed.